LX9 Camera issue

  • Randy Winn
    Posts: 28

    I bought an LX9 last year and only used the camera a couple times. The video was always black and white and I just assumed it was because I was fishing in murky water so the camera was automatically switching to B&W. This year the water is relatively clear (I can see a 1/32 VMC tungsten fly about 7 1/2′ down) but I still can’t get the camera to switch to color. I’ve made sure color kill is off and even tried it at home in a well lit room, went as far as to shine a flashlight at the camera and it won’t switch to color.

    Has anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it?

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5859

    Speak to the Marcum techs.


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