Lx7 question

  • rjthehunter
    Posts: 1250

    Just picked up my new lx7 this morning, have fished with it all day and am wondering if it’s normal to have to have my sensitivity up to 18 to see my spoon in 24 feet of water

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    Yes with the new update they want you to start at 15 and go up from there on the sensitivity so that’s about right. And you should have it on gain 1 fishing that deep. waytogo

    Posts: 1250

    Gotcha, it looks like I got a returned one, screen protector was a little dirty and had a scuff in it, wasn’t sure if I had a bad apple that got returned and resold to me or just the way its supposed to be! It didn’t have any plastic wrapping on it either. I love it so far, just wanted to know if I should run back to scheels and ask for a different one or not!

    Loren I Duerr
    Posts: 114

    I fished in 28 fow today with 1/16 drop kick. gain 1 sensitivity on 4. not sure where target setting was. as this will affect it also.

    Dylan Salow
    Posts: 51

    My gain is usually on the higher end too 15 on up.

    Posts: 1250

    Well I called scheels, went in and traded my used Marcum that I bought this morning for a brand new one, even had the plastic on it. So I’ll be out in the morning to give it a try, I’ll feel better if it acts the same. Might have just been being picky, but it was expensive so I wanted a new one…

    Also, for anyone wanting to purchase an lx7, go to https://www.marinegeneral.com/product/marcum-lx-7-sonar-systems/
    They have them on sale for $599, and scheels price matches!

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