LX7 charger plug issue

  • Stanley
    Posts: 1120

    I went to charge my LX7 this weekend and noticed the insulation around the wires by the plug had cracked and the wires were exposed. Not really a big issue I will just splice in a new plug but I thought I would share so everyone that has one can check before it has a chance to break and cause an issue.

    1. IMG_1380.jpg

    Posts: 537

    Marcum sells replacements of these for about $9.00. A buddy and I have had the same thing happen.

    Aaron Drier
    Posts: 61

    Tommy tape, self sealing silicone tape will get you by. It will only stick to itself.

    Posts: 18

    Might be worth a shot to call them and see if they can send you one, or even order one right on the phone.

    Other than that I’m with Aaron Drier’s idea. I’ve gotten away with self fixes on many charging chords before for computer, fishing electronics, phones, etc., and have gotten more use out of them. Good luck!

    Posts: 1120

    I did send them an email about it and I will see what they have to say. I already have a plug like that laying around in the garage so i am just going to splice it in with some heatshrink butt connectors. It would be nice if marcum sent me a new one but I can fix it for free so I am going to go that route. I was just giving people a heads up to watch for it waytogo

    jarrod holbrook
    Posts: 179

    I thought you meant the weak ass charger that never gets the job done. Sad what they use for components on $700 pieces of gear

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