LX-7 Firmware Update

  • TripleA
    Posts: 655

    Has anyone updated their LX7 and had it on ice yet? Just wondering how well it’s working.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5859

    Marcum Update

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

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    Marcum Update

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    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5859

    Look up “Marcum Update”, Dec 9th in this forum.
    I tried to do a copy, past of the urls and I am having issues on this site doing so!


    Profile photo of holmsvc
    SE ND
    Posts: 122
    December 9, 2016 at 8:47 pm#1655981
    I updated today and went fishing in 11 ft and noticed I had to crank the sensitivity up to see me lure. What is the deal with that. Is there some notes on this updates and the changes?”

    jarrod holbrook
    Posts: 179

    I haven’t updated mine until I hear the results. Like my phone, not all updates are good updates. My ice time is getting fewer an farther between. I can’t risk a bad trip. Sadly this is why I own a lx7 and kept my trusty humminbird ice 35. Yes it has saved more than one trip.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    I updated my lx6. I used it for a half day jigging in 20ish feet for walleye. I quickly got bored toggling settings to determine the differences between gain 1&2, decided to wait for WORD. I like what I saw, but the lx7 never had issues fishing bottom in 20 ft. I’d say it was the most lx5ish update yet, but it’s been years since I’ve used one. I wished I would have played with the near transducer performance more, but I left it in narrow beam and fished. I put a new tri-beam on my 28, so i focused my spare ADD on that most of the time.

    Why didn’t they change the zoom bar windows to get rid of the wasted space at the bottom showing the redundant depth? I kinda remember folks asking for that specific improvement. Anyone know when the next update is?

    Tyler Warner
    Posts: 83

    I fished in 4-6 feet on Monday with my LX6. Worked awesome.

    Greenville, Michigan
    Posts: 60

    I am looking forward to the weekend to test the update on my LX7…I fish a lot of 6fow…previous years I can’t see my jig/lure until it gets about 4.0′ deep…meaning I have a 2.0′ viewing “window”. Tried every setting and every depth of ducer and that’s the best I could do…hoping I can see more this year.

    Posts: 655

    Let us know how it goes wgorby

    Joe Thody
    Auburn, NE
    Posts: 166

    Worked great for me. just had to remember how to use it…lol

    Posts: 94

    I wish I never updated my lx7 I think it worked better befor

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    I have a LX 9 my buddy has a LX7 we fish a lot of 5′ water on a large slough for gills and we can both see our jigs 18″ down that’s the best we’ve been able to get. The only complaint we have is we wished the sensitivity setting had like a 1/2 setting. in some cases we’ve seen where for instance 2 setting isn’t enough & 3 is to much. But all in all we both love our units in shallow or deep water.

    Greenville, Michigan
    Posts: 60

    My update….used my LX7 for the first time with the new update. In 7fow I could see my small tear drop jig much higher than before/years past…like others have said you have to crank the sensitivity…I had to go to 18 to 22 to see the jig, cone angle made no difference and that’s with the ducer barely under water for best results. However…as the morning progressed it seemed that my lure “visabilty” got worse….took a look at the voltage meter, 9.9 and dropping…end of the day it said LoV…so I ordered a new battery. Almost 3 years on the stock battery…thinking that all will be fine once I can keep the voltage up. Tight Lines All!

    Jeff Schomaker
    Posts: 422

    Used my updated Lx-7 yesterday and it performed flawlessly! Was very impressed! I mainly fished an UL rippin rap and a small ratso and I could pick both up. Although if I was using strictly the ratso I would have cranked up the sensitivity but I could still see a thin blue line. Also the shallow water performance was day and night. I could pick my jig up roughly 1-2 foot down no problem. Love the update!

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