looking to buy 1st. boat lookin at lund

  • avalanche59
    Posts: 14

    lund rebel xl 1625 40 horse merc. 4 stroke tiller any feed back appreciated for miss. river fishing and madison lakes thanks

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13396

    Sounds like a nice boat. Should have enough speed with that 40hp to get you around pretty decent. Tiller will be great for trolling. May be a little fast on the low end for trolling speed but that can easily be fixed with a drift sock or dropping the trolling motor. If it was me I would be looking at a yamaha to put on back. Think there tiller arms are set up much better than mercs for trolling.

    Lund rebels have been around forever for a reason. Great starter boats.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452


    lund rebel xl 1625 40 horse merc. 4 stroke tiller any feed back appreciated for miss. river fishing and madison lakes thanks

    The Rebels are fish catching machines! I agree with the Yamaha tiller. Great tiller arm. You will be very happy with this boat.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    That would be a sweet little rig for what you are looking for. That 40 would be nice but if you were to throw the 60 HP tiller on there, that thing would haul. Outfit it with a Minn Kota Vantage on the stern and the Terrova with I-pilot at the bow and you’d have a fishing machine for all applications.

    Can’t speak to the Yammi. Dad has the Merc tiller with the Big Tiller Arm and that is a nice feature.

    Minneapolis area
    Posts: 199

    I run a 99 rebel with a merc 40 33mph with two aboard

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Good started boat. Will hold its value well.


    Posts: 3239

    Rebels are great boats.

    I’d say 40 is close to max hp on that model.

    Maybe 50………..

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759


    Posts: 14

    I have that exact boat–2000 40 hp 4 stroke and 2000 Lund-Minn Kota 55# on the front. Handles the waves on the river fine and still not so heavy that I can’t handle it alone. If I have a negative, it’s the shifting on the Mercury–Yamaha’s seem to be much easier and quieter when shifting. I still have my original spec. sheet and the equip. on the boat when I bought it if you’re interested.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I have that exact boat–2000 40 hp 4 stroke and 2000 Lund-Minn Kota 55# on the front. Handles the waves on the river fine and still not so heavy that I can’t handle it alone. If I have a negative, it’s the shifting on the Mercury–Yamaha’s seem to be much easier and quieter when shifting. I still have my original spec. sheet and the equip. on the boat when I bought it if you’re interested.

    Is the 12V trolling motor enough to deal with the wind AND the current on the river in the spring? That’s one thing I’ve learned the hard way and why I want to upgrade to a 36V on my rig. I would think a 24V set-up would be the way to go on the Rebel. Looks like boat and motor would weigh in at 987#.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117


    If it was me I would be looking at a yamaha to put on back. Think there tiller arms are set up much better than mercs for trolling.

    X2, on the tiller arm,go with the Yamaha! My 50 tiller on my 165 Alumacraft will idle down by 50rpm increments, I can troll under 1mph with it…believe me or not, but it’s true! Best $$ I ever spent on a motor. The push button idle control(located right on the tiller arm just behind the throttle, convenient) is available in the 40hp tiller models too. With that Lund it’d be a great set up for the Mississippi. Live in Rhinelander now, but still haven’t got the Miss’s scum line washed off my boat!


    Posts: 3239


    Rebel XL Page

    * Max HP
    * # 75HP (Sport, SS) # 60HP (Tiller)

    I stand corrected.

    I was thinking about the old Rebel “Special” series. 16 footer.

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