Live wells

  • bassman2254
    Posts: 2

    Both me and a buddy ended up with the same boat. 2001 Lund Mr. Pike 17. Both of us have the same issues with the live wells, mainly the front one, but the back well acts up from time to time. My buddy has replaced both pumps but still has issues getting the front well to fill. Is this a common issue with these boats, and is there a fix to it. It seems to me like the pumps have a hard time getting primed. Any suggestion would be greatly appricated

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    This sounds weird but check both fuses.
    I removed my front livewell fuse to use it for storage and the pump still turned on but not full speed. I think they use common wiring since they are located next to each other???


    Posts: 2

    That doesn’t make any sense, but at this point I’ll try anything. Thank you. I can’t tell if they air lock, or if the swich from fill/empty/recir. has something to do with it.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2516

    I’ve got a 2001 Mr. Pike 16 and have the exact same issue. The front well would always seem to get air locked. Driving in reverse helped it fill. Seemed it would work fine after that. Or running pump with the lever on circulate would blow lots of air and then get going if on fill it wouldn’t. I gave up and sealed off the intake and the overflow with plugs and turned it into storage. The back one seems to run ok.

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 831

    I just went through this with my 99 Mr.Pike. I rebuilt the control valves under the floor. the front 1 I bought a whole new valve $42, then I went online to Flow Rite and bought a rebuild kit $16 shipped, got it in 2 days took less than 1 hour to do (easy job) hope this helps, sorry I didn’t see your post sooner.

    John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742

    It is in the valves that control the fill and recirculate mode. The best thing I can tell you to do is pull the valve out and make sure it is functioning like it should. It is hard to explain but very easy to figure it out with valve in hand. Most likey the valve is not positioning in the right place. pm me if you like and I could try to explain it.

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