replacing floor and bubbles in paint

  • biscuitjh
    north carolina
    Posts: 1

    Need to replace floor in my 1997 1776 pro v lund. I don’t want to replace carpet if possible(tired of getting fish blood out of it) any suggestions.also I have noticed some places on my hull where paint is startibg to bubble. Anyone else had this experience. All advice welcome.

    Posts: 103

    i would put snap carpeting in it. all you do is pop it out, put some cleaner on it, and spray it down. i cant help you with the bubbling cuz i have a glass boat but im sure someone will chime in with some tips…

    hope you figure something out.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    If you want to get completely away from carpet I’ve seen some older boats that have had the carpet pulled and replaced with spray on truck bedliner material like Rhino Liner. To be honest it actually looks pretty decent and nothing is more durable or easier to clean.

    As for the bubbling paint, is it located in any specific areas adjacent to boat cover snaps, etc., or is it widespread?

    Posts: 76

    Bubbles in paint?
    How big are they? Are they near snaps or rivets?
    If you scrape the paint off is there a chalky powder under the paint?
    Or are they very small and near the front? If this is the case they are just stone chips.
    Aluminum boats are coated with one coat of etch primer, then paint. Any auto body shop can repair and repaint.
    There are a couple of different processes depending how much you want to spend and how long you want it to last.
    If you want more info ask.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    I have vinyl in the back and carpet up front. Love the vinyl for easy cleaning!


    John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742

    Install the vinyl flooring in your boat. You will like it. Very easy to clean up. You could call Lund and ask them to cut the pieces you need. We just had a Mid 90’s Pro V back in to Lund and redone. Looked very nice when finnished.

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