Lund Tiller

  • meestro
    Posts: 136

    I posted this in another area of this site and thought it would be better here. The bottom line is that i would like to get a Lund Tiller. I was thinking Fury 1600, Fury 1625 or Rebel XL 1650 (all tiller version). I was going a little smaller because of the ease of loading and unloading as well as maneuverability, etc. Maybe I need a bigger boat?

    Every single time a make a purchase I start at the bottom and keep making increments towards the most expensive product made by the manufacturer.

    The boat will be used for small to intermediate sized lake fishing with one to two adults and an additional child once in a while.

    I have never bought a boat and need some advice. I look at the specs online and all the numbers run together.

    Please help?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Not sure what year you looking at but I sure like the layout of the 2013 Rebel XL 1650

    Don Miller
    Onamia, MN
    Posts: 378

    I have the Lund 1650 Rebel and IMO it is the perfect size boat for those of us who only have one boat. I had a 18 1/2 ft. steering wheel/windshield model and it was nice once it was on the water. But it was just too much on shore. If you do not back your truck up to within a few inches of the coupler connection it was near impossible to muscle the boat over the ball. I have a 50 hp 4 stroke tiller and it is almost too much power if that is possible. It had a 25 hp 4 stroke and that was definitely not enough motor for the 675 lb boat.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 60

    I have not looked much at the smaller Lunds, but I love the lay out of the Alumacraft Classic 165. It is rated for a 50hp in the tiller version and that would roll great.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I ran an Older 1650 Lund Predator tiller with a 60 HP on it hated that boat in wind. The high sides of that Lind made boat control hell in my eyes constant work to keep any direction trolling or casting a shoreline using the bowmount. For where I fish the river and mid sized lakes I will take a lower sided boat any day, that is why I love my Crestliner 182TS trolls like it is on a rail and casting shorelines in wind darn near as good as a low profile bass boat. Just something to consider.

    Posts: 1040

    Those 1650 Lund Rebels look really nice. I have a 2001 16-foot Crestliner Angler tiller and love it (usually). I was out a couple weeks ago and chatted with an older gentleman I(retired DNR guy) who had just purchased a 1650 Lund Rebel. Sweet looking boat. He said he loved it, and the nice thing was it loaded easily/handled easily for one guy. That’s one thing I like about the 16-foot size tiller. Big enough for most applications (I fish mainly the mississippi river), and small enough for one guy to easily load/unload if necessary. And easy to maneuver on land. Heck, I can easily roll mine around by hand. That said, It is tricky in wind/big water, so keep that in mind. I’d get a least a 40 hp motor whatever you end up with – and ideally the biggest that the boat is set up for. Good luck.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    The furry and rebel are pretty narrow, if you can spend the extra the rebel XL are way nicer in my opinion. I guess it depends how many people and how big of lakes you fish and your budget.

    Posts: 4

    I would suggest you to visit Aluminum Boat Guide where you can find the reviews, specification and features of Lund boats. You can also compare different Lund boat models there.

    Chris H
    Posts: 143

    meestro have you purchased one yet? One word of advise I will offer is remember that every boat shrinks once its on the water. On the show floor they look lager. Once you add passangers and gear the floor space is a lot smaller. Make sure you get something that will fit the needs of you and your family.

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