Boat of my dreams

  • David Grosulak
    Pool 2
    Posts: 116

    Tomorrow morning I will be finalizing paperwork on my dream boat. I’m picking up a 2013 Lund Pro Guide 1825 with a 90hp Mercury. I can’t wait to get this bad boy on the water. Pictures to come!!!!!!!

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    Congrats…Make sure you show us pictures.

    metro area
    Posts: 151

    Congrats Man, Im jealous!!!!!

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Enjoy…that’s boat is the perfect fishing machine!! Here’s to many walleye’s boatside…

    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997

    I’ll have to keep an eye out for the new rig on pool 2.

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151

    congrats, how you going to rig it? you will have to post a pic or two when you get it ready!

    David Grosulak
    Pool 2
    Posts: 116

    thanks guys! Im rigging it with 2 lowrance elite 7 hdi’s, terrova iPilot 80lb, side guides..etc. I plan on getting a transom mount in the near future also

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Did someone say, Pictures to come!!!!!!!, just last Monday?

    Still waiting for it to happen,

    David Grosulak
    Pool 2
    Posts: 116

    after I signed papers dealership said it would take a week or so to get all my options installed. Just got insurance and am picking the boat up on thursday morning. Will be on the river Fri-Sunday!

    Posts: 33

    Just Enter into water and have fun!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865


    David Grosulak
    Pool 2
    Posts: 116

    just got back from pool 2. This was my first time out in the new boat and I could not be happier! It still has not set in, I was geekin like a little kid the whole time..

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Good for you, Dave! Congrats!

    Duluth, Mn
    Posts: 306

    Awesome boat! Do you know the side rod storage length/rod capacity? Many hours of searching and I have come up empty.

    Posts: 98


    Awesome boat! Do you know the side rod storage length/rod capacity? Many hours of searching and I have come up empty.

    Center rod storage is 6’6″ and 7′ tubes.

    Duluth, Mn
    Posts: 306

    I’m aware of the center storage. Looking for side storage #’s.

    David Grosulak
    Pool 2
    Posts: 116

    to be honest I dont know, its still to new to me. I dont think there is any rod tubes on the side but you could store 20 rods in there easy up to 7 feet.

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