Lund steering

  • Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1034

    I have a 2017 lund impact with a merc four stroke.
    The first 2 years were fine but after that the steering has become very jerky.
    On every other motor I have had there has been a grease fitting to lube the steering cable.
    Not this one.
    Did anyone else have this issue, and if so, how did you fix it.

    Posts: 3319

    If it is power steering it sounds like it might be low on fluid or have air in the system.

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1034

    No just the plain old reliable rack and pinion cable stear.

    Posts: 7

    I have a 2018 Lund with the no feedback steering system, it has a grease fitting where the steering cable enters the tilt tube on the motor, which is probably what you are familiar with. The maintenance manual instructions are to lube this fitting, “if equipped”. So I guess some boats do not have this fitting, which seems odd. It’s a long shot, but can you trace the steering cable back to the wheel to see if there is a grease fitting somewhere else?

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1034

    Yea, I tried that. I tried checking with the dealership and they said that’s the way it is.
    I guess maybe I will have to upgrade to the no kick back.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1771

    Interesting. My 2018 impact has the fitting. Wondering if you could put a zerk in there?

    I know my previous 97 pro sport would go into a death spiral if you let go of the wheel, so does my dad’s 98 pro sport. I think Lund advertised that as “safe-T-steer” or something but imo if you were thrown from the boat it’s probably a lot.more dangerous as there’s a good chance it would run you over

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1034

    My steering gets so sticky that at speed it really Jenks the boat when it finally let’s loose.

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