Lucky Lady

  • iacanoeguy
    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    My son and daughter were in Iowa last week. This is only her third time fishing in her life and ALL of them have been with me on this pond in Iowa. She summer fished last year, and ice fished this past winter. The first night they arrived in town, I asked her want she wanted to do and she said FISH. We went to the friends pond and on her FIRST cast she caught the little Northern in the photo. She had never seen one before and was excited. She was fishing a wacky worm and caught a few more smaller bass on it. I had my son fishing with a plastic frog since the water was perfectly smooth. We meet up with him as we moved around the pond. Since he was doing well on the frog I thought it would be neat for her to catch one on the surface with the frog. I tied on a blue one and pointed in the general direction I wanted her to cast. She did not hit the mark I was pointing at, but as soon as the frog hit the surface there was that giant “who threw the bowling ball in the water” noise and it was on. She did a great job fighting the bass as it leaped a few times. When she finally got it to shore we were all screaming with excitement. My son reached down to lip it for her. Her eyes were HUGE as she looked down the month of a 20″ LMB. What a fishing trip to remember for her.

    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    bass photo

    1. photo-12.jpg

    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    opps that was the northern – here is bass

    1. photo-2.jpg

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2105

    Very nice fish! Congrats.
    Love fishing top water this time of year.When I was a kid I used a lot of Hula-poppers for bass. Total rush every time )

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Congrats on catching a great 20″ memory!

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