Lowrance HDS 7 – How do people like it?

  • das_bass
    Mound, MN
    Posts: 332

    I just bought one of these are the Sportsman Show yesterday, and was wondering what experiences people have with them. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be installing it for a bit, as our company is going through a RIF, and if I get tapped on the shoulder, I need this to be NIB to be able to return it. Fortunately, I should know one way or other by mid-May.

    So, it is worth $800? Is there anything that bugs people about it? Is it going to be a problem installing inside a console? Do people think they couldn’t go back to fishing without it? I am anxious to find out, since this is my first GPS I can install Lake Maps on. Also, where is the best place to get lake maps? I fish mostly Minnesota, but have gone to Onterio and Wisconsin fishing before.


    Southern Wisconsin
    Posts: 113

    I just got mine (thanks to Wade from Jolly Ann) and I love it!! I got it all set up last week and used it all weekend river fishing. It is by far the nicest locator I have had. It took a little getting used to as the menus are different from my previous LCX 27 but what a world of difference. I also got the structure scan and a HDS 5 on the bow. You wont be disappointed with your purchase, I hope you get to keep it.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    I went to a HDS-5 last fall and love it. Amazing piece of electronics… Did I mention I love it….

    Baldwin, WI
    Posts: 211

    Last year I put a HDS-7 back by the tiller and an HDS-5 on the bow. I love them and wouldn’t part with them. I just installed the structure scan this weekend and I am very excited to try it. You won’t be disappointed!

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    I have the HDS7 on the bow and HDS8 at the stern with the LSS1 and love them. They are truly fantastic to fish with.

    You won’t be disappointed:)

    Posts: 61

    In the console may be a problem. I have the HDS 5 and it is extremely finicky getting the GPS to locate. Unless the HDS 7 has an external antenna I don’t think it will work for you. I love my unit once I got it mounted in the open and high enough.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    I am considering the same setup. I am just having difficulty deciding on the sizes for each. Are you happy with the 8 and 7? Do you wish you had gotten either larger or smaller at either spot?


    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I just bought a 7 and an 8. I love both. The 8 is extremely user friendly with the soft keys, but if you are a standard settings person, the 7 will be just fine and as different as they seem to previous models, the learning curve is very fast. I went from perplexed to figured it out in no time. I will say I still find myslef looking back at where things “used to be” but otherwise they are still Lowrance menus.

    If I had to summarize the HDS units to even the later model LCX units, I would say they are like the difference between high speed internet vs. dial-up internet. More transducer power(huge bonus), more accuracy, more storage, options, add-ons, etc. Find a way to keep it!

    Posts: 928

    I’ve had a 522c on my boat for about three years. Last year I got an HD5 and moved the 522c to the front. I would not fish without this unit. It’s the same as the HD7 just a smaller screen. My buddy has the HD7 and they are awesome, those extra 2″ on the screen are great. Hopefully you can keep it, you will really enjoy it.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452


    I am considering the same setup. I am just having difficulty deciding on the sizes for each. Are you happy with the 8 and 7? Do you wish you had gotten either larger or smaller at either spot?


    jd318, I started off with 2 HDS7’s and have switched to the 8 & 7 . Since I spend most of my time in the back of the boat (tiller) I should have put the 8 or 10 in the back to begin with although I do not think the 10 would fit in my electronics locker. Up front if doing it over I would have put the HDS5 to save a few bucks. But I am 50 years old now and the bigger screens are much much better to work with for my eyes. The one thing about the 7 is it is only 6.4″. The 5, 8, & 10 are all at least as big as their stated number. Bang for the buck the 7 seems to be the least. If money was not an issue I would put the HDS8 at both locations. Hope this helps!

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    I have 2- HDS 7’s and the LSS-1 and not sure if I had back luck or what but I had one unit replaced once and the other twice but after the initial problems i now like them. They dont tack as well as I would like with the interal antenna but its ok…

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    HDS model anything is the greatest thing ever made!

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757



    I am considering the same setup. I am just having difficulty deciding on the sizes for each. Are you happy with the 8 and 7? Do you wish you had gotten either larger or smaller at either spot?


    jd318, I started off with 2 HDS7’s and have switched to the 8 & 7 . Since I spend most of my time in the back of the boat (tiller) I should have put the 8 or 10 in the back to begin with although I do not think the 10 would fit in my electronics locker. Up front if doing it over I would have put the HDS5 to save a few bucks. But I am 50 years old now and the bigger screens are much much better to work with for my eyes. The one thing about the 7 is it is only 6.4″. The 5, 8, & 10 are all at least as big as their stated number. Bang for the buck the 7 seems to be the least. If money was not an issue I would put the HDS8 at both locations. Hope this helps!

    That is exactly the type of feedback I was looking for. Thank you.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 332

    Thanks everyone. This if the first time in a long time I have asked a question like this and gotten so many repsonses, with all of them being very positive. Sounds like the only downside is I may have to buy an external antenna if I want it inside the counsol.

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