Where will it go next?

  • splitshot
    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    In the world of Lowrance HDS, side and down scan imaging and high-def screen reads, memory charting, waypoint saving, mapping and creating your own maps, and logging trails, etc., where do you think it will go next? …And at what price?
    Will we have the next generation with touch-screen controls? Will we have “apps” available (at a monthly fee) to allow us to automatically calculate the weather conditions, body of water conditions, etc., and provide us with calculated directions on just what, where and how to fish? Will we have an app that takes a photo of our catch and then automatically computes weight to the nearest 1/2 ounce – and then sends it directly to the tournament director station for recording so we can immediately release the fish? Will we have an app that senses and alarms us if an invasive species boards our rigs? …Or better yet, will it automatically alert the DNR? Will we receive the dreded pop-up’s from the likes of Viagra – sailing across my screen while I’m searching for the motherload amongst the schools of baitfish and submerged vegitation? Will these things end up like cell phones where we have to get new ones – with new contracts – every other year to keep a signal – or keep up with the ever-changing technology? It seems like we’re already nearing a point where they are a throw-away element now anyhow because nobody carries the older parts or because nobody will work on them after 3 years of age.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m the typical American electronics consumer; I love my graphs/sonars/GPS and the other new technologies, but the question begs to be asked, “Where do you see the electronic fish-finding technology going – and when do we say ENOUGH?
    Something to ponder – isn’t it?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    In the short term, we’ll see the trolling motor integrated with our GPS units, although Humminbird/Minn Kota will be the first to bring that feature to the market I suspect.

    In the long term, we’ll see internet capable units that will allow us to get satellite imagery for any body of water we happen to be on, integrated with our contour map cards for select waters. That’ll be especially helpful for river runners.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    I hate to say it (again), but I know I’m going to see a monthly fee tied into this somewhere along the way – arn’t I? Maybe I’ll be able to bundle it in with my Dish and Friontier Phone Service and save $15.00 more a month too.
    WAIT! Maybe I can get all of this – AND get the WFN channel, a banjo-minnow package, and a fresh spool Stren all tossed into the deal.
    AAAAAhh! ….The future looks so bright.
    Sorry Wade. I just could not resist.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 304

    In the future, a computer will launch your boat, navigate to a location with the fish of the size you specify, catch the fish, clean and ice them, return to your dock/launch and awaken you from your nap.

    Kind of takes all the fun out of it, doesn’t it?

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    I think we will see a picture of the bottom like we do on contour elite on our pc’s, but it will come from our depthfinders, and it will show fish and the whole 9 yards. That down imaging has a lot of potential to get better, and with computer software becoming more advanced its not too far away.

    Posts: 963


    In the short term, we’ll see the trolling motor integrated with our GPS units, although Humminbird/Minn Kota will be the first to bring that feature to the market I suspect.

    My thoughts exactly, and when is enough?? NEVER

    In the long term, we’ll see internet capable units that will allow us to get satellite imagery for any body of water we happen to be on, integrated with our contour map cards for select waters. That’ll be especially helpful for river runners.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    I would be happy with a Lowrance product that does not die on me after one year.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865


    I hate to say it (again), but I know I’m going to see a monthly fee tied into this somewhere along the way – arn’t I? Maybe I’ll be able to bundle it in with my Dish and Friontier Phone Service and save $15.00 more a month too.
    WAIT! Maybe I can get all of this – AND get the WFN channel, a banjo-minnow package, and a fresh spool Stren all tossed into the deal.
    AAAAAhh! ….The future looks so bright.
    Sorry Wade. I just could not resist.

    Oh but wait! If you are one of the first 15,000,000,000 in the next 30,000 years we’ll double our offer and throw in a free Minnie Mouse Pocket Fisherman! That’s a 2 cent bonus!
    Did I mention free shipping? Oops that’s another channels offer.

    What a deal! Where’s my app for that?

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    I am thinking that units will become wireless

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    I am thinking that units will become wireless

    Ya I was thinking that too, along with voice command, phone/TV/radio internal options, ship to ship visual and voice communication, direct hot line to the wife (won’t be our idea guys) inner net connection, gaming abilities, etc.

    I also see Doc Samson coming out with a 247 DVD set on using all this, and fisherman wandering aimlessly over the water in their auto piloted boat try to figure how to shut the dam thing off….

    I see micro generators used to power all this and the average boat size going up by at least 4 foot to put all this stuff in it.

    I see two kids on shore fishing and wishing they had a wiz bang boat like the guys coming by and the guys wishing they could just go back to basics and just fish..

    As long as we have pro’s and manufactures telling us we have to have the latest and greatest, we’ll have people who’ll keep buying more “stuff”

    al…who thinks progress isn’t always better.

    Posts: 3403

    Don’t be a hater. I’m surprized no one has lashed out at you for being such a nay sayer.


    I would be happy with a Lowrance product that does not die on me after one year.

    Posts: 277

    Call me old school, but I’m still gonna wait to buy one of these units until they come up with a “look-ahead” scan. It wold be cool to know if you had a deadhead or rockpile right in front of you a full throttle(fish too!)

    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    I can see Lakemaster, your favorite sonar, and the Minn Kota working as one. Bring up the ole Lakemaster, select 15 to 17 fow, 1.2 mph, and let the minn kota do it’s thing. I want a GPS kicker too. I mean the last few years have been super freaky don’t yea think?

    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956


    Call me old school, but I’m still gonna wait to buy one of these units until they come up with a “look-ahead” scan. It wold be cool to know if you had a deadhead or rockpile right in front of you a full throttle(fish too!)

    Warning Warning Will Rogers

    cody croteau
    Posts: 40

    I like the idea of being able to automatically send a picture of your fish to the tournament directing station and then being able to let it go!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 678

    I want a lowrance that can net fish for me.

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