Hello !!
I just bought sonar HDS-8 and Strukture scan LSS-1 and I have some questions about the electrical connection:
A. Photo of power cord Structure scan LSS-1
B. Photos of power cord sonar HDS-8
1. Can two red lines (HDS-8 and LSS-1) I connect together to the battery ?
2. On which wire (of sonar) to install HDS- 8 sonar fuse ?
3. On which wire Structure scan LSS-1 install fuse ?
4. I read somewhere that the yellow wire scan sonar and strukture scan one should connect – whether that’s true.
5. Where install (on which wire) in LSS-1 switch ?
6. Is it true that there are two options for connecting to the sonar HDS with Structure scan LSS-1:
– yellow wire connects the two devices and in the moment if I turn the sonar on they are enclosing strukture scan
– switch is mounted on the wire of strukture scan and it depends on me whether I enabled or disabled
Please for the help and the detailed description of ways podłaczenia of these two devices because I don’t wish corruptions (to burn) of devices.
Thank you very much in advance for your help !!