Opinions on adding a new lowrance unit.

  • johnksully
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 678

    I currently have a 520c on the console of my boat. I would like to add another 5″ unit so I can have sonar on one unit and mapping on the second unit. I am really looking into the HDS 5x unit (sonar only). Then I would use my 520 as the mapping unit.

    Am I going to regret not getting GPS capabilities on the HDS unit? There is some really good deals on the HDS 5x right now. I was trying to find an older globalmap to add for mapping only but those things are a couple hundred bucks used. (when I can get a HDS 5x for less than $400)


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 170

    Don’t have much information to offer other than I’ve been thinking of doing the same thing. I am running a 522c and would like to have a full screen for sonar and a full screen for mapping. Seems like a great way to make it happen without breaking the bank.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    I run 2 separate units-sonar and gps. It’s the luxury of not having to put all your eggs in one basket-jerr

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I haven’t priced the 8’s lately John, but I do know when I was looking at the 5’s I wasn’t going to be happy with the size of the screen when using the split screen. Of course the screen doesn’t have to be split, but it does for the way I fish (at night).

    Not a great picture…but..

    Pierre, S.D.
    Posts: 90

    I’m running a 102c and a 5200 at the helm. I like having the full screen on both. Also have a 522c on the bow. Haven’t had any interferance and gives me a standby as well
    if one dies.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 678

    Could I run the hds transducer and my existing 520 transducer off my transom without any interference?

    Pierre, S.D.
    Posts: 90

    My tranducers are 20 feet apart. I believe that if both are on the transom you will have interferance due to operating frequency. If you could run one at 83khz and the other running at 192khz it could posibly be doable. I’m not familure enough of the HDS unit if it’s a dual freqency or not.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    John, I’d go with the HDS-5 combo. You can get the combo for $600 and that will give you a back up GPS if your 520c would fail at some point.

    Your 520C runs at 200khz and the HDS-5 runs at 83/200khz, so you could run them both at the same time by running the HDS-5 at 83khz when you have both on, but you can also use the “stop chart” feature which will stop one of the units from sending a sonar signal while still operating GPS on that unit. Gives you lots of options.

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