That thing is sweet! Never seen one before. May buy one. When I had the same problem the OP has I was looking all over. I almost went this way Computer lighter adaptor
Lets you install a cigarette lighter in an open drive bay on your computer.
I then toyed with connecting directly to 12v molex plug from a computer power supply. I have a few laying around from upgrade projects. Decided I did not want to risk a $3000 sonar to me trying to do something that might not work. I guess I am still scarred from the car stereo I cooked while installing it in high school.
I hooked the leads up backwards and the stereo was gone in a poof of smoke. Thought I would save money buy buying one roll of wire and use the same color for hot and ground.
Currently am waiting for a 500mb sonar record file to download onto a chip so I can run it through DrDepth. Hoping the battery lasts longer then the download takes!
For now I have settled with the arrangement others have mentioned. 12v backup battery for vexilar/aqua-view/marcum connnected with a spare wiring harness I found. Still not sure where it came from.
What I would do for a USB 3.0 port on these sonars!! To hell with the SD slot, record directly to a thumb drive or connect directly to a pc for updates and file transfers!
Have also heard of people using lawn tractor/ motorcycle batteries in ice shacks to power several devices for longer periods. If you have one of those 12v booster packs for emergency jump starts it may have a 12 jack you could tie into, saw someone who ran his gear that way also. I use some spring clamps to hold the head unit down to my desk. I mount the sonar into the bracket and clamp the bracket down to the desk.