Elite 5 Not Reading Mini SD card

  • Drew Engelmeyer
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 359

    I am attempting to import some waypoints that were exported from the Lakemaster Countour Elite software. My Elite 5 unit won’t recognize the mini SD card that contains the .usr file. It’s a 4 GB card. Is there a max size card that the unit can read? Also, does the card have to be formatted in any special way? It currently has FAT 32 formatting.

    I couldn’t find anything in the user manual. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


    Posts: 3239

    Check to make sure the files were transferred from LM to
    the card.

    microSDHC high capacity cards are not compatible.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I’d like to find out too… I’m having the same problem

    Drew Engelmeyer
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 359


    microSDHC high capacity cards are not compatible.

    Yup – that would be the reason.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046

    isn’t 2GB the max that they will read?

    Posts: 3239


    isn’t 2GB the max that they will read?


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