what might be wrong

  • rjmoore_33
    Eagan, Mn
    Posts: 92

    This year i put a new lcx 38c hd on my boat and the GPS would neve lock in. i didn’t thank much of it due to where it was parked. I then took it to canada and had no issues with it locking in. Did not due any fishing after that. two weeks ago i went to lake michigan and could not get the gps to lock on to any satalites. Checked all the fuses and all seemed ok. Tried both soft and hard reset no luck. any sugestions

    Posts: 3239

    Do you have a separate switch to power your antenna?

    Eagan, Mn
    Posts: 92

    When it was rigged up they rigged the unit to the light switch so i am assuming that both the unit and puck is rigged to the same switch

    Posts: 3239

    Do you have to switch the power to on to get power to the
    locator or did they just tap into the hot side of the light

    Tony K
    Barnes Wi
    Posts: 139

    dose it tell you gps modual not responding? if so check all your conectors souds like something came loose. I use dialectric grease on all the t fittings and conections. also check for pwr on your network probably something simple.

    If not and it just has a week signal take puck off where it is mounted and move it so it has a clear line of site to sky.
    good luck

    Eagan, Mn
    Posts: 92

    I have to have the switch on to give the unit power. I just get the worng that the unit is not responding. But when i go to the status page that shows the satalites nothing shows up but the small bar on the bottom left which has a number below it changes to a differeent number

    Tony K
    Barnes Wi
    Posts: 139

    then it has to be
    no power to net work
    or bad puck
    my guess is puck is fine
    sounds like who ever hooked it up cut some corners not realy wired like it should be. only need the switch for the network not unit. and should be a deticated switch, NOT with lights. Make sure they used fuses.
    look in book or go to lorance web site to see how it should be not real hard.

    Rochester MN.
    Posts: 486

    I had a similar issue and my GPS puck was mounted to close to my LCX-37. I had to move my puck to the other side of the boat and everything was ok. I don’t think it was your puck because they either work or fail, if they fail you usually never get a signal. So I would check your power sources, and location of your puck aand most importantly read your owners manual and make sure everything was hooked up accordingly as I found out the hard way.

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