MinnKota universal transducer question?

  • jeremy-liebig
    Posts: 1455

    I’m currently running the Lowrance HD units on my boat and have run into problems with the universal transducer on the trolling motor. It does not read even close to what my transom transducer reads(never has). Units are set to 200kHz and shallow water mode. Is it just the nature of the beast and an inferior transducer or possibly something else I might be overlooking?

    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    how far are you off? you can adjust your baseline depth in the menu. transom and tm could be over a foot difference. believe its called keel offset in the menu.

    Posts: 1455

    Actually it’s not a matter of being off depth wise. It just doesn’t read fish or weedlines worth a crap even with the sensitivity turned way up.

    Ken Sauret
    Paso Robles, California
    Posts: 164

    See if you can borrow a Lowrance transducer, PDT-WBL would be a good choice, plug it into the back of the unit an hang it over the edge of the boat in the water and see if you can get the readings you want. This may confirm that the universal ducer is sub par.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I’ve had the same luck with all my electronics that have been hooked up to universal transducers. They are not near as nice as the factory transducer. Only thing you can do is surface mount a Lowrance ducer unfortunately.

    middle of the corn belt Tekamah, Ne
    Posts: 41

    I have a x515 hooked up to my U2. The temp reading is 2 degrees off but the structure is fine.

    Posts: 3239


    Congrats on your 4th place finish on Oahe!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 14


    What transducer setting in the HDS unit do you have yours set to for the U2 ducer? I’m using the generic 83/200, and I can’t get water temp readings on mine.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    You also need to select your transducer source for the temp. Menu, Menu, Network, Data source and water temp.

    Posts: 1027

    Are these setting for if you have a network system, or are they the same if you don’t? I went onto my X-27 and it gave me options for different transducer cone angle settings. Wasn’t sure what to set it at with the V-2 Powerdrive US2.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    The settings I described are for the HDS.

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