LM map capacities on Lowrance

  • stuwest
    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    I’ve got 5 different lowrances from X-15s to HDS8s. If I buy a 2010 chip will it work on all the machines back to the X-15?

    I’m sorry to ask here, but I wasn’t able to get any significant help from CS at either Lowrance or LM today after 2 hours of phone time…

    kasson mn.
    Posts: 69

    I’m almost positive it won’t work in your x15 but i’m not sure about your other units but it does work great in the hds…..i think it will work in the LCX’s according to the reps from lakemaster at the minn. sport show this spring.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Make sure to get version 6.1. There are still some places carrying 6.0.

    6.0 was the first release and there were some issues with it working in some lowrance models as far as I know.

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