HDS 5 shaded depth option

  • reddog
    Posts: 823

    Going fishing in a friends boat with a new HDS5 on Friday.

    Does anyone know the keystrokes to highlight a shaded depth or contour line on a Navionics chip in a HDS 5.


    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    I think this can only be done with lakemaster and the bird units. This is definitely one time I hope I am wrong as it is a cool feature.

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 54

    Yep. Just a lakemaster/HB feature for now. I do like the idea and hope Lowrance adds it. HB also added a search by name and scroll list for lakes so you don’t have to scroll your GPS to a lake location. That is an awesome feature if you’re like me and find yourself sitting in your driveway looking at contours of new lakes you plan on visiting.

    Posts: 823

    I can do it with my Navionics chip in my Hbird 997, but thought it could be done with the HDS series also.

    Theres a shaded relief in the menu (HDS), but not a shaded depth.

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    will have to try it, but I think the Lowrance shaded relief is actually associated with the Insight maps where the deeper the water, a darker shade of blue is shown.

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 54

    I think you are right about the relief. The HB feature with the Lakemaster chips will actually highlight a given depth everywhere it occurs on the map. You can also take a split range. So lets say you want to know everywhere there’s a 10ft contour running along a 15 ft or greater area, it will highlight them in two different colors and give you a path between them. Pretty cool feature.

    Posts: 823

    I fished all day Friday.. (31 Walleyes annd 46 smallies) with the LCX 27C and the HDS5. Both units worked flawlessly, but man did I miss the shaded depth option of the HBirds. I use that as much or more as my side imaging!

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 54

    WOW! I would say that was a great day on the water! Were you fishing Mille Lacs?

    Posts: 823

    Lake Sharpe in South Dakota.

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