Is there a speed minimum or maximum to get the results on the structure scan ?
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Structure Scan Question
John Schultz
InactivePortage, WIPosts: 3309May 20, 2010 at 4:05 am #873287My experience has been that I get my best picture when traveling between 1 and 4 mph. Not sure what the recommended speed is though. My problem has been figuring out where to set the contrast to get the best picture.
May 20, 2010 at 4:41 am #873301I just got mine but I agree with John, 1 to 4 or 5 mph is probably optimum but you’ll get readings as long the transducer is in the water.
I also have read that the bird units you get the best reading when travel in a straight line. I haven’t really paid that close attention to my lss-1 to see if holds true with lowrance. I’m guessing it does.
John, I’ve had mine out only two times. I have messed with the contrast alittle. If I remember right, I think I liked between 50% and 60% the best so far. What % do you like the best?
John Schultz
InactivePortage, WIPosts: 3309May 20, 2010 at 1:19 pm #873343I’ve been running my contrast anywhere from 50% up to 80%. When I’m in shallow water, it seems better set low, and higher in deep water. I would say it spends the most time around 70, but I seem to be constantly adjusting it to see what difference it makes.
May 20, 2010 at 4:36 pm #873439I find the Structure Scan reads great up to the speed that my Ranger wants to get up on pad. I get the same pic from sitting still to about 10 mph. My Ranger has a step that is shallower that the pad so when I’m going fast the transducer is out of the water. As soon as I let off the gas and the boat settles into the water the Structure Scan instantly aquires the bottom when it makes contact with the water.
Be sure to use 455 khz for deep water and 800 khz for shallow water. As far as contrast goes I run mine about 70 but it is always good to experiment with different water conditions to find the right setting for you.
May 20, 2010 at 11:01 pm #873571Quote:
Is there a speed minimum or maximum to get the results on the structure scan ?
Optimal operating range
minimum = .5 mph
max = 10.0 mph
May 21, 2010 at 1:18 am #873594Quote:
Is there a speed minimum or maximum to get the results on the structure scan ?
Optimal operating range
minimum = .5 mph
max = 10.0 mph
I am no doubt looking in the wrong places for information…
thanks Dan and thanks everyone !!
May 21, 2010 at 8:20 pm #873820When hooking up the power cord. It says to hook the yellow wire to a switch on the dash..Are you guys using the accessories switch, or rigging up a new switch ?
May 21, 2010 at 9:07 pm #873827Quote:
When hooking up the power cord. It says to hook the yellow wire to a switch on the dash..Are you guys using the accessories switch, or rigging up a new switch ?
You can connect the yellow wire from the LSS-1 to an HDS
and supposedly it will power the unit when you power up the
HDS.Another option is to wire it through a switch and then to a fuse panel.
The last option would be to hook it direct to a fuse panel that has a master shut off switch.
May 21, 2010 at 9:48 pm #873839hook the yellow wire from the HDS to LSS1 and when you turn on the HDS it will power up the LSS1,I was told that this is the perferred method,to hook up the stucture scan. it works good I origanaly wire the LSS to the power and it was on even when the HDS was off so I rewired it yellow yellow and it’s the nicest way to go IMO
StanMay 21, 2010 at 11:10 pm #873863OK So…
Just so I understand..
LSS1 yellow to the HDS yellow
right ?
and the next question..I had a couple Pos and neg terminals left under the dash… HAD…no longer do…Should I hook up another hook up in the fuse box and run it directly ? Or, can I tap into the Pos and Neg of my HDS unit ?
May 22, 2010 at 12:44 am #873871I ran out of spots too so I pulled 2 more wires to the back and hooked up direct to my main battery for my LSS1 and put the fuse back there.
StanJohn Schultz
InactivePortage, WIPosts: 3309May 22, 2010 at 3:12 pm #873938You got the yellow to yellow correct.
I don’t know a lot about power, but I was out of terminals as well. I put the blacks from the HDS and LSS together and the reds together, and then connected those to the terminals that my LCX-27 had been connected to. I have both reds fused between the units and where they are joined together. It is also run through my breaker panel. Probably not the right way to do it, but so far, it has worked without issue.
May 22, 2010 at 10:06 pm #873977Quote:
I ran out of spots too so I pulled 2 more wires to the back and hooked up direct to my main battery for my LSS1 and put the fuse back there.
this is the option I went for…were all hooked up and ready to play !!!
May 23, 2010 at 1:53 am #874006I have a 09 619 Ranger..I mounted my transducer under the step up area at the back of the boat..How are you guys attaching the ducer cable to the transom ?
John Schultz
InactivePortage, WIPosts: 3309May 23, 2010 at 10:38 pm #874124Quote:
I have a 09 619 Ranger..I mounted my transducer under the step up area at the back of the boat..How are you guys attaching the ducer cable to the transom ?
I used screws and cable clips, but I have a tin boat. You’ll probably want to use duct tape.
May 24, 2010 at 12:02 am #874141Quote:
I have a 09 619 Ranger..I mounted my transducer under the step up area at the back of the boat..How are you guys attaching the ducer cable to the transom ?
I used screws and cable clips, but I have a tin boat. You’ll probably want to use duct tape.
Smart A$$ !!!
I was out with it today…there will be a small learning curve
May 24, 2010 at 2:39 am #874183If I owned a glass boat I would use these adhesive backed mounting bases, shown in the pic., whenever possible.
The cable then gets cable tied to the mounting base.
I’ve used these on my ATV and they have held strong for
two seasons. (GPS antenna cable)
John Schultz
InactivePortage, WIPosts: 3309May 24, 2010 at 1:36 pm #874301Quote:
I was out with it today…there will be a small learning curve
I hear that. I’ve been out with mine 4 times and still spend a lot of time playing with it. I love the down scan. The thing I am having the hardest time with is getting it set so I can see fish off to the side of the boat. It paints structure really nice though.
June 4, 2010 at 11:38 am #877243I was out last night playing with the controls of the Structure Scan, I really like this feature for the HDS unit… One thing I came across is that when I turn on the accessory switch for the SS transducer my color palate changes on my split screen. and when I turn it off the normal color palate comes back…
Does this happen to anyone else ?
John Schultz
InactivePortage, WIPosts: 3309John Schultz
InactivePortage, WIPosts: 3309June 4, 2010 at 6:13 pm #877385Quote:
I tried hooking it up to the yellow…I did not get any juice from it
I’m guessing you did it wrong maybe? Were the red and black wires connected to something that had juice?
I wired my lss and hds power cables to the battery, and the yellow wires from each one together. I turn on my HDS, and my LSS powers up with it.
June 4, 2010 at 10:22 pm #877478John did the wiring perfect. Black is ground for each power cable, red is hot for each cable. When you connect the two yellow wires together, one from the HDS unit power cable and one from the LSS-1 power cable this makes the power button on the HDS unit the main power for both the HDS unit and the LSS-1. When you hit power on the HDS unit both power up at the same time.
June 5, 2010 at 3:32 pm #877569I did exactly that…but when I hooked up the yellow wires together, I Got Nuthin
June 6, 2010 at 1:00 am #877618Make sure you have the latest version of software in your HDS unit as this feature was not in the original units but included in a later update.
June 7, 2010 at 1:56 am #877748Nope ???
I tried the yellow wire again today, and I got power..
I do have the most up to-date software downloaded ….
June 7, 2010 at 12:00 pm #877784if you have power to the LSS1 hook a jumper wire to the positive on your batttery to the yellow from side scan and the side scan box should light up if not no input power or bad SS
StanJune 26, 2010 at 11:24 pm #882881tried again yesterday to hook up the power to the yellow to yellow…no dice !!
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