HDS 3.0 has been released

  • Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    Hi all,

    I was on the lowrance web page this morning & they have released HDS 3.0 here’s a link to it. HDS 3.0

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    JUST released it! I was looking for it yesterday.

    Are you going to test it for me Mark!?

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    I’ll be on the water on Sunday

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thursday here!

    Ken Sauret
    Paso Robles, California
    Posts: 164

    I am loading the 3.0 into my units right now and will be on the water on Saturday, off limits for my tournament until then.

    Posts: 128

    Updated and hope to try it Thursday.

    Posts: 48

    I was reading what some of the enhancements that the 3.0 software was going to do. It said something about mercury smartcraft N2k gateway. What does this mean? Now will mercury smartcraft will be compatible with the lowrance hds units? If it is, can it replace the actual gauge or is it just so you can display information from a smartcraft gauge on your graph?

    Anybody have any information on this?

    Thanks, Jeremy

    Posts: 187

    Anybody else having problems downloading the update? I’ve never had problems in the past but toward the end of the download the installer gives an error. When I look on the card it looks to be there but I’m scared to load no knowing for sure.

    Just curious if it’s my computer or if others have ran into the same issue. Thanks!

    Posts: 3239

    If you don’t feel good about it just delete it from your
    SD card and try it again.

    I didn’t have any problems with the download.

    Posts: 187

    I’ve deleted it many times from my card and tried to reinstall but I keep getting the same load error. I’ll try it on another computer.

    Posts: 48

    I updated mine and took about a minute or so with no problems. Used it this weekend with no problems yet.

    When I tried to download the update on to a SD card with the sd slot on my laptop and I got an loading error. So I save it on my computer (which took forever) and then it loaded on to my sd card.


    Posts: 187

    Thanks for the tip Jeremy, that worked for me as well. Not sure why it wouldn’t work in the card slot.

    Thanks again!


    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I’ve had the same problem with software updates. If I remember correctly, it downloads a zipped file, or an executable, which when run creates the update file that you then copy to your SD card. I haven’t done one in a while, but I do remember that it doesn’t work if you save directly from the lowrance website to your card.

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