LakeMaster 2010 Pools 1-8

  • doc samson
    Posts: 222

    I couldn’t find a post on this but it is something the river rats need to know.

    LakeMaster 2010 MN or WI chips have pools 1-8 in new detail. Here is an example of Pool 3.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I cant wait to get that chip

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 370

    Now I know Doc is a Lowrance guy. Will the detail be the same on the Birds.

    Cudahy, Wis.
    Posts: 936

    Doc, you can order these chips directly from Lakemaster, I ordered one this morning. $107.95 plus $3.00 shipping. Go to “Hairjig”

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    Not yet, I don’t know when the LakeMaster HB card will have it.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Just used the chip on pool 5, had every wingdam we found nailed.

    Sure came in handy.


    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    It’s available at Cabella’s for $104, and the Rodgers store had a PILE of them in stock yesterday.

    The degree of detail is {expletive deleted}ing awesome… it even helps me plan shore fishing trips because of the degree of detail on the river!

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    I recieved my insight chip last week, I’ll give a report of it tomorrow after I use it for the first time.

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376


    Doc, you can order these chips directly from Lakemaster, I ordered one this morning. $107.95 plus $3.00 shipping. Go to “Hairjig”

    Hairjig, for the 107.95 your not getting the insight chip, I ordered the insight chip last week & it was 199.99. You also must have an HDS unit for the insight chip to work.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    The Insight chip doesn’t have the Mississippi Pools only the 2010 legacy chip.
    You don’t need the HDS Insight model to display LakeMaster Insight chips.

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376


    The insight chip that I just received from lakemaster won’t have pool 1-8 on it?

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    You are correct.

    LakeMaster Insight MN and WI have pools 4 and 8. LakeMaster MN and WI Legacy have pools 1-8.

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