Switching to HDS units

  • John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    So I took the plunge and ordered new locators. Replacing the lcX-27 on the console with the HDS-7 and the lms-520 on the bow with an HDS-5. The structure scan is on order.

    Can I re-use the existing power cable from my 520 up front for the HDS-5? I know I have to change out the one for the 27 because the network is also powered off that one which I guess I can’t do anymore.

    Any tips or lessons learned anyone can share to make the switch easier?

    Baldwin, WI
    Posts: 211

    I just put the same two units on my boat about a month ago and I love them. One thing I did notice is if you are running both units at the same time with two different transducers you will get interference.

    I am not sure about reusing your power cord with that particular unit. Good luck and you will like them!

    kasson mn.
    Posts: 69

    John You can use the power cable from your 27 but cut the power for your the network. I’m not sure about the lms520 power cord. if it hooks up to your 27 it will work on the hd5. i like my hd8 they’re ablast to watch with the side and stucture scan

    Posts: 3835

    I can’t wait to see the new stuff in action. I think you’ll be tougher to beat next year

    Eau Claire wi
    Posts: 145

    Just a general Locator question are all of you puting the front transducer on the bow mount trolling motor or is there a better place to put it. I hate al them wires.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317


    Just a general Locator question are all of you puting the front transducer on the bow mount trolling motor or is there a better place to put it. I hate al them wires.

    Terrova with iPilot and US2

    Posts: 3239


    So I took the plunge and ordered new locators. Replacing the lcX-27 on the console with the HDS-7 and the lms-520 on the bow with an HDS-5. The structure scan is on order.

    Can I re-use the existing power cable from my 520 up front for the HDS-5? I know I have to change out the one for the 27 because the network is also powered off that one which I guess I can’t do anymore.

    Any tips or lessons learned anyone can share to make the switch easier?

    You can use both of your existing power cables with the

    HDS units. You will have to disconnect the network power

    lead off of the 27c and power the network separately.

    You don’t have to remove the 27’s power cable.

    I did this exact same thing when I upgraded.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    That’s good news that I can use the same power cables. Will save me a fair amount of work.

    Thanks Guys.

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