Where the heck do I mount the transducer?

  • bigpike
    Posts: 6259

    Bought me a sturcture scan, the directions are not the clearest on mounting other than do not mount it close to anything else that will interfere with it. I have transducer mount blocks on either side of my motor but I also have a transducer mounted on each of these blocks. Should I move 1 over to the other side and mount the side scan alone? Can I just mount the structre scan ducer lowest on the block or is that too close to the motor? Am I over thinking the whole situation? I also am not sure about how low to mount this transducer. I would be happy to give up the high speed scan if it will protect the unit. I own a 16′ Deep V boat. Thanks for any input into this decision!

    Posts: 3239

    I also have a xducer on each side of the motor. I’m going

    to move one out and mount the LSS ducer where it used to


    “The StructureScan transducer should be installed within
    approximately 1 foot of the broadband sounder transducer
    to get optimum performance from the Downscan Overlay feature.”

    I haven’t decided how high or low to mount it yet.

    Might be trial and error.

    Posts: 6259

    Your quotations. Does that mean the units transducer and the structre scan transducer should be within a 1′ of each other? Basically I can mount it like I mount any other transducer and I should be OK? Thanks Dan..

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    just mount it like any other ducer. Mine is mounted on the ducer board 10 inches to the inside of the HDS’ skimmer ducer and mounted so it is still in the water when on plane (just like the skimmer ducer is).
    It does kick up a fair amount of spray though so I am fabricating a spray deflector that I will mount on the ducer board as well.

    Posts: 6259

    Thanks, that simplify’s things. The instructions are a little confusing. Where did you mount your receiver? I was planning on mounting mine under the consol

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    I mounted the receiver under the console. Since I have an HDS unit on the bow, I ran the 15 foot ethernet cord that came with the LSS to the bow and bought a 6 foot ethernet to run from the LSS to the console HDS unit.

    Posts: 6259

    Next year I plan on mounting one on the bow and linking them all together in a big happy hi def family

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