2 sonars, interference

  • John Shear
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 205

    Hi all.
    One of my LCX-27c is mounted on the bow and uses the transducer built into the trolling motor.
    The other LCX is mounted on the console using the transducer mounted on the transom.
    Periodically, I get a wide band of interference on both units. I discovered that if I just click
    “stop chart” on then off, it clears up for a while. Now I just get into the habit doing “stop chart” on
    the console after I motor to a spot and turn off the motor to go fish at the bow. That doesn’t work so
    well when I have someone fishing in the back of the boat since they want to watch the bow unit.
    I tried changing the ping speed on the bow unit, but that didn’t seem to make a difference. I also
    tilted the transom transducer back thinking it’s ping was reflecting to the front, but that didn’t
    help either.
    I had a similar setup on my old 16′ alumacraft and didn’t have any issues but now on my 17′ Lund
    it’s a problem. Does anyone have ideas on other possible solutions to try?


    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Cut a foot off of your boat.
    No really there are two things you that either one or it may take adjustments of both to get them tight.

    I don’t know much about LEI products, but the first thing I would look for is some sort of interferance rejection and the second would be to reduce the gain on both units. Hopefully you don’t have to reduce it to much to lose the interferance.

    Posts: 3239

    Run an ethernet cable between the two and you can share

    sonar from the bow to the console or vice versa without


    John Shear
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 205

    I intentionally want the bow to use the front transducer and the console to
    use the rear transducer – no sharing.
    I’ve tried turning on the automatic clutter control and sensitivity control.
    It ends up adjusting things so I can’t see anything – barely the bottom – under
    the boat. So I turn all the automatic stuff off.
    Would be nice if they had the ability to use different frequencies that wouldn’t
    interfere with each other.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Unfortunately, There isnt much you can do if you are running both transducers independently that you currently have. This has always been my issue with Lowrance is that their frequencies are to similar to each other (most likely 200mhz within a few mhz).

    Only option is to either network them which is a spendy solution if you are running LCX units, or to change on eof the ducers out for a 50mhz or other wide angle ducer. Personally, I would like to see a 12 degree option from lowrance which would be a great “on the spot” transducer for the trolling motor.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Lowrance does have a 50/200 khz transducer for that unit. You could go to that ducer and run it at 50khz so not to interfere with the bow unit when you are running both.

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