lowrance trails

  • Nitrodog
    Posts: 850

    My lowrance will not plot a trail for me anymore?

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Go in to menu, then to my trails, make sure the function command is set up to leave a trail for you.

    Posts: 850

    It is a LCX-27 Everything works fine except it doesn’t plot a trail for me. I have not changes any of the setting and it use to work fine? Thanks

    bob schroden
    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 281

    You have to set maximum trial point to all 999999999’s.

    Either that or switch to a new trail.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    My lowrance will not plot a trail for me anymore?

    It should delete the beginning of old trails when you are maxxed out on data points but I have seen some that don’t do that and you have to go into “my trails” and delete your trails and start a new one. You can save old trails to a memory card if you want.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    My lowrance will not plot a trail for me anymore?

    It should delete the beginning of old trails when you are maxxed out on data points but I have seen some that don’t do that and you have to go into “my trails” and delete your trails and start a new one. You can save old trails to a memory card if you want. Delete the old trails and start a new trail. That should do it.


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