Lowrance LGC-3000 antenna problems

  • Hunter7x7
    Posts: 8

    Last summer I bought a 2004 Lund 2025 that had a Lowrance LCX25C at the helm and a LMS-520C up front at the bow trolling motor. These units were hooked up when I bought the boat so I have no idea how it was wired. Both GPS antennas are Lowrance LGC-3000 models.

    Late last summer I started getting a “No Signal Found” on the LCX-25C unit at the helm. Sometimes it would go away, sometimes it wouldn’t. Now I always get this message no matter how long I leave it on. Sonar still works fine.

    The LMS-520C unit at the bow gave me the same message from time to time last summer but always seemed to connect after a couple power down/power up functions. Now this unit also gives the “No Signal Found” message probably 8 out of 10 times I power it up.

    I have unscrewed the top covers off to make sure I wasn’t dealing with a loose wire or something like that. I have no knowledge really about installing, wireing or troubleshooting GPS units. Is it possible both of these tanked and need replacing? I am unsure what to try and where to start. I would rather not take it to the dealer because of the cost and I have been out of work for 7 months. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated. If it would be easier to comunicate via phone I can be reached by phone @ (989) 859-9431.

    Thanks in advance for your time and help.


    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106

    Same thing happened to me last year, too, with almost the same exact units you have. It ended up being a bad antenna. I called Linda @ cx service @ Lowrance and gave her the sn of the antenna and she sent me a new one. She also said to make sure that the antennas are more than 3 ft away from the head units. I suppose because of electro-magnetic interference? Not sure. But I know the new one worked when I got it and has been. Hope that helps?

    Posts: 3239

    Welcome to the site Hunter7x7!

    Would you know if both of your antennas are on the same


    Posts: 8

    I guess I am not sure. How can I tell which network each of them are on. If you can let me know, I will go out and double check the network settings.

    Posts: 3239


    I guess I am not sure. How can I tell which network each of them are on. If you can let me know, I will go out and double check the network settings.

    If they are on separate networks you should have two auxillary switches for network power.

    Do you have any auxillary switches for powering networks?

    You can run two antennas, or more, off of one network.

    To see if the two you have are on the same network;

    Power everything up

    Press menu twice (on either unit)

    Highlight NMEA 2000 and press enter

    Highlight Bus Setup…and press enter

    A list will come up of all the devices on your


    Keep hitting exit to get back to your home screen.

    Do you have a clear view of the sky when getting the

    “No signal found” message?


    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    While you are diddlin’ around with your units, check to see if you have the most current software updates for the 25 it is 2.1 and the 520c should be updated to 2.5. On Lowrance site – You will need a blank MMC card and a computer with the ability to download to the card.

    Posts: 8

    OK, here we go with the information I was supposed to look for.
    The LCX-25c has the following:
    No NMEA 2000 or BUS Setup that I can find
    Software Release 1.1.0
    Build: RM3845D

    The LMS-520c has the following:
    When I go into the NMEA/BUS setup it opens another screen and it says there are no network items found.
    Software Release 2.4.0
    Build: LN8455F

    Also I did not remember the error message I was getting correctly. I really hope I did not lead us on a wild goose chase but the correct error message I get was “GPS Module Not Responding.

    So after all this, I assume I should google to find the most current software available for both of the units and start there. Download the latest revision, save it on a card and plug it in to the unit and hope it autostarts to load the new software. Has anybody done this before? How difficult is it?

    Again thanks for any help you could give me and to those who have already replied and tried to help.

    Posts: 3239

    The power cables for your units will have leads that power

    the display, power the network, and also leads for units

    to talk to each other. You will have (2) 3 amp fuses per

    power cable. Have you checked them?

    Posts: 8

    I looked for fuse issues yesterday. With all the wires tucked away and running together it was hard to determine exactly which wires were for what. I did check a total of 7 fuses and everything was OK. After that I took the antenna that works at times off the LMS-520c and put it on the LCX25c that I can never get the GPS antenna to respond. Even with the “good” antenna I still got the dreaded “GPS Module Not Responding” message. However the other antenna did work on the LMS520c. Now I am not sure what to try next. I have emailed Lowrance customer service twice and even submitted my problem with their website “Customer Service” portion of their website. I called twice, after being on hold for over an hour each time I finally had to hang up assuming nobody was coming to help me. Surprisingly after contacting them 3 additional times online in the last 2 weeks, I have not heard a peep from them either. If by some chance I have to replace even one of these units, I promise it will NOT be another Lowrance product. I have never been so disappointed in a company’s customer service department (or lack there of) and vow they will never get a single $ from me.

    John Shear
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 205

    Hey, I went out fishing today and my GPS didn’t work. The cursor on the map screen just keeps flashing. I don’t get any messages complaining that it cannot find a satellite. It worked last weekend.
    My NMEA2000 network has two LCX-27c units, a temp sensor and a speed paddlewheel as well as the LGC-3000. The temp and paddlewheel speed display fine on both head units so I don’t think it’s a network problem. I assume if network wasn’t powered properly, none of the sensors would register, correct?

    What would cause a GPS antenna to go bad? Does that happen often? Mine is only 2 years old.


    Posts: 4

    I have a 38 & a 520 networked to one antenna and had the same issue. I went thru 2 antennas then found the problem. The installer powered the antenna from both units and they should have only powered it from one unit. Basically there are 2 power connections for each unit. One powers the head unit, the other powers the antenna. When the system is networked, unit 1 should be powered and send power to the antenna. unit 2 should just have power to the unit. i think lowrance changed this for the new units though. i too had to wait an hour each time i tried to contact lowrance. once you get thru they’re pretty helpful, but waiting on hold that long it frustrating.

    John Shear
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 205

    I chose to replace the dead LGC-3000 with a new LGC-4000. The $250 price
    tag was tough to swallow and took a long time to convince myself it was worth
    it. Since I intend to add an HDS unit in the next year or two I felt it wise
    to invest in the 4000 now as opposed to getting another 3000 and have to replace
    it when I get an HDS unit. The 4000 has the same NMEA connector as the 3000
    so replacement was trivial. The smaller diameter 4000 did require drilling
    a couple of new holes though.
    I’m impressed the LGC-4000 finds satellites even when sitting in my garage. The
    3000 couldn’t do that.

    Posts: 3239


    I chose to replace the dead LGC-3000 with a new LGC-4000. The $250 price
    tag was tough to swallow and took a long time to convince myself it was worth
    it. Since I intend to add an HDS unit in the next year or two I felt it wise
    to invest in the 4000 now as opposed to getting another 3000 and have to replace
    it when I get an HDS unit. The 4000 has the same NMEA connector as the 3000
    so replacement was trivial. The smaller diameter 4000 did require drilling
    a couple of new holes though.
    I’m impressed the LGC-4000 finds satellites even when sitting in my garage. The
    3000 couldn’t do that.

    The HDS units all have internal antennas.

    You will need an external antenna if you wish to flush mount your HDS unit.

    You also can use a 3000 antenna with the HDS units.

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