Lake Master 09 MN Card

  • perchhead
    Posts: 329

    Just wondering can I plug this into my card reader on my computer and review my trolling runs from this past summer?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    No. The track plot line are stored on your graph. Nothing gets written back to the card.


    Posts: 4533


    No. The track plot line are stored on your graph. Nothing gets written back to the card.


    Can you save them to a card on the unit then look at them?

    Posts: 329

    Can you view what was placed on the card by lake master on your computer?

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862


    Can you view what was placed on the card by lake master on your computer?

    No but you can buy the computer software from lakemaster….very slick. Lakemaster Contour Pro

    Posts: 98

    Do you find the software usefull? I have been thinking of purchasing but always think that i might not use it.

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