Lowrance Ice Transducer

  • john23
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I have a LCX-27c that I have put on a portable box for use as a mapping system for ice fishing. I saw today that there is an ice transducer available for Lowrance which works for the 332, 334, and others. The 27 isn’t listed as one of the compatible units even though it’s got a blue cord and looks like it should work. Does anyone know what the deal is? Can I get an ice transducer for my 27?

    Posts: 3239

    It will work with your 27c.

    They probabaly don’t list it because most people use a 5″

    unit and not a 7″.


    bob schroden
    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 281

    F. Farm carries the Lowrance transducers.

    59.99 I believe.

    It will work with 5,7,8 or 10 inch screens that hook up to the blue connectors. This also includes the HDS line.

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