LCX 28 HD networking into a Lowrance network?

  • t-ellis
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    I have a LCX 28 HD at the bow on a RAM mount and would like to be able to move the unit to the back of the boat to use while running the tiller kicker. I also have a LCX 113 HD at the console connected to a broadband sounder. What is the best and easiest way to be able to move the LCX 28 from the bow to the back near the tiller kicker and network it into the system to read off the transom transducer? I have an extra power cable and a RAM mount to install the unit near the kicker but not sure what is the best/easiest way to add the LCX 28 to the network once its moved to the rear of the boat. Thanks in advance for all suggestions.

    Posts: 3239

    Run an expansion cable from the T at the console back to

    the kicker area.

    You probably have a terminator at the end of the T at

    the console. Remove it and install the expansion cable

    in it’s place.

    Then you’ll need another T at the end of the expansion

    cable (near the kicker), which will use the terminator

    removed at the console, and then connect to the 28 via a

    shorter expansion cable.

    I think you will need an expansion port to be able to

    see the 113 picture with broadband on your 28. I think

    your ethernet port is connected to the broadband so in order

    to view the same picture at the back you’ll need an expansion port.

    A cheaper route would be to install another transducer, or

    an extension cable from the transducer at the console to

    the 28 at the kicker. If you did the extension cable you

    would have to disconnect the xducer from the 113 and plug it in to the ext. everytime you wanted to use the 28 at the back. (Hassle) No broadband in this scenario either.

    I have cables, T’s, and terminators if interested.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Dandorn is right. You would need to disconnect your network at consol, add the necessary length expansion cable running to where you want to mount the 28 and add the other “T” there. From the “T’ you would need the shorter expansion cable to run to the head unit.This will now allow you mapping at all 3 locations. You would also need a switched power cable ran to this location along with transducer source.
    Know you have the broadband sounder, then my 1st suggestion would be to purchase the expansion port (aprox. $150.00). This will allow you to not only run sonar in broadband at consol, but also up to bow, and to new location for the 28. That’s the way my current set up is and I love it. By doing this you would not have to install another transducer. Not the cheapest way to go, but if you have braodband, why not utilize it through out the boat.
    With this being said, you’d need
    1 expansion port
    1 new Red “T” (you’ll be able to use existing terminator)
    1 power cable (make sure you switch it somewhere so it’s not always drawing power)
    1 longer expansion cable (15′ or 25′)
    1 short expansion cable (3′ or 6′)
    2 ethernet cables (1 to run to bow, and 1 to run to new kicker location). Reason I say bow too is like mentioned, why not have broadband capibilities at bow too. I never use my terrova US anymore knwoing I have broadband and bow.
    This may sound difficult, but it’s not. I have done all my rigging on my own and with a little time and some understanding, it’s quite easy. It’s also going to cost a little, but I beielve the bennifits will out way the cost (at least they do for me).
    Best of luck with your decission and don’t hessitate to ask questions.

    Ruble for brains

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    Ahhh. And I thought this was going to be easy. Thanks for the tips it seems to make sense. I really am not so concerned about being able to see the sonar at the 28 since I can see the sonar at the console with the 113 at full screen but really just want to be able to see the full map page on the 28. Would this make it any easier? Dandorn I might be contacting you for the parts. Do you have all the parts i would need?

    Posts: 3239


    I have the parts to connect it to the network.

    25′ cable
    2′ cable
    T connector
    “Red Cap” for when 28 is at the bow.

    If you have an extra antenna you could simplify the running
    of the cables and set up another network at the back.

    Another thing you may want to consider is that if you plan
    to upgrade to HDS units you will need to power your network (s) with a separate power cable because the HDS units will not power the network using your LCX power cable.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    I am interested, sent you a PM.

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