Unit rebuilds ?

  • fireman731
    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    I have a Lowrance Globalmap 7600 HD, I have been trying to sell it with no luck. Got to thinking…is there anywhere that could or would possibly rebuild the unit with a Globalmap 9300 HD board and connectors for the ethernet?

    Posts: 3239


    Ask FISH-LECTRONICS and see if they think it can be done.

    Report back if you talk to them.

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    Talked to them today, they said that they can’t do that type of rebuild, just service work. I would have to talk to someone at Lowrance and they would have to rebuild the unit if they would touch it at all…I think I might as well save the grief of an hour on hold just to be told no, why don’t you just buy a new HD unit.

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