Lowrance Downdate

  • ottomatica
    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    I updated my LMS332C a few months back and ever since my sonar has a hell of a time getting started in shallow or weedy water…

    …AND…now every time I turn the unit on it reverts the page to Full GPS map…WHY would I want that? How about leaving it at the last freekin’ screen I used???

    This wouldn’t be so bad but my wiring is bad at the moment and every time i start the big motor I lose power at the GPS so I have to Power…Exit three times for the warnings and splash screens then pages up arrow up arrow exit.

    Now to my question…is there any way to revert back to the original firmware???

    Litchfield, MN
    Posts: 463

    Is your current software 2.5.0 or older? If it is older put the new update in and try that if it the current one try reinstalling it and going into your menu as the new 2.5.0 version will have a shallow water mode. The shallow water mode fixed all of my problems.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    Amen. I can’t figure out why it does that full gps map either. I almost always run my 334 on split screen with the gps map at about 30% on the left side, and sonar at about 70% on the right. So, not only do I have to exit multiple times at start up, I also have to go to pages and choose gps and sonar. Then after that, I have to resize the screen. Every stinking time I turn the unit on or off.

    Don’t even get me started about loosing signal, or the transducer showing 1.8 when it’s 20′ deep.

    North Carolina
    Posts: 1

    I am having similar trouble but mine started when I attempted to upgrade the software to the LGC 2000 and my LMS 332c. Since the upgrade attempt my unit is getting the typical “GPS Module Not Responding”. I have read everything I can find and discussed with Lowrance support but they continue to tell its a physical issue with the LGC 2000 and want me to send it back in. Everything was working perfectly before I attempted the upgrade so suspect it more of a software glitch. I did get an error messaged when I installed the LGC 2000 software first but against better judgment went ahead and tried to load the LMS 332 upgrade which installed fine. Since that point it no longer recognizes the GPS antenna I’m afraid that the unit is on the newer software but the LGC 2000 never got the got the required upgrade. The websites warns of this but offers no solution.

    I would like to downgrade my LMS 332 software back to the original version if possible as well. Anyone know a link on the web that I can download it from? The Lowrance site only has the newer version.


    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380


    Is your current software 2.5.0 or older? If it is older put the new update in and try that if it the current one try reinstalling it and going into your menu as the new 2.5.0 version will have a shallow water mode. The shallow water mode fixed all of my problems.

    I have the latest software, how do you impliment the shallow water mode?

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    If your wiring to the unit is bad, that’s probably why it doesn’t remember the last screen you had on.


    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380


    If your wiring to the unit is bad, that’s probably why it doesn’t remember the last screen you had on.


    I’m pretty sure it’s not that because it “remembers” where I was at last on the GPS map, it should be ablwe to remember what page I was on last.

    I think it’s a software issue where they are choosing to not put the last page in non-volitile memory.

    I also had this issue before my wiring became a problem.

    Also, the LMS332C does not have a 2.5 version update so I’m SOL there.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    I have a LCX-15MT that I had installed the “latest” update (a couple years ago). After the update, the unit would always revert to the full map. I called Lowrance at the time and that was implemented in the update due to the attorneys requiring it or something. I thought it was ridiculous so I reinstalled the previous version and have been fine.

    Winsted, MN
    Posts: 409

    I have the 332 with no upgrades and all of a sudden the last 2 weeks the gps wont lock in at all and when it does the mph doesnt work and I am not in the spot it shows I am. If I leave it on for 1 hour+ it finally all comes together. What do you think is causing all of that all of a sudden?

    Posts: 559

    A wise old man once told me ” If it works don’t fix it and for gods sake don’t paint it!” .

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    This wouldn’t be so bad but my wiring is bad at the moment and every time i start the big motor I lose power at the GPS

    I had that problem once and it turned out to be a battery issue. If the GPS senses a power drop below a certain level, it shuts off. I would check your battery.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    I’m in the same boat with my LMS 520C. Everytime I turn it on it’s at the full map screen and I have to monkey around to get it the way I want it. I wasn’t aware of an upgrade that would fix this.

    Minot, ND
    Posts: 146


    I’m in the same boat with my LMS 520C. Everytime I turn it on it’s at the full map screen and I have to monkey around to get it the way I want it. I wasn’t aware of an upgrade that would fix this.

    Blame it on the lawyers. There is company that holds a patent on how a GPS unit boots up, and apparently the way that some Lowrance units did it previously was too close for their liking. So, Lowrance had to change their startup screen’s boot menu, which is why you see the full map in the newer software upgrades.

    The new Lowrance HDS units boot up to the screens/settings that were displayed prior to shutdown.

    Jim Carroll NPAA #13

    Johnsburg , IL. Fox Chain of lakes area
    Posts: 18

    this response may be a little late but when I downloaded the update about 5 weeks ago for my LCX20c it stated ,though you had to pay close attention to it, on the software download page to download the GPS antenna software upgrade and upload it through your unit PRIOR to uploading the unit software upgrades. I am guessing this is the problem some guys are having with their GPS module not responding after a unit software update.I almost missed that sentance on the computer screen myself.
    Does anyone know what happened to Lowrances online utility to “virtually ” build your own network ? I used this feature when I first bought and installed my LCX to put the network/backbone together without having to buy parts and use trial and error. Now I want to network my LCX with my HDS and I can no longer find this online feature.

    Posts: 3239


    Now I want to network my LCX with my HDS and I can no longer find this online feature.

    You can netwok LCX and HDS units using the same backbone

    you already have in place. The one thing to keep in

    mind is that an HDS unit will not provide power for your

    network like the LCX’s do. You will have to power your

    network separately if you haven’t already set it up that


    If you plan on leaving an LCX unit, that is powering the

    network, where it’s at and don’t plan on installing an HDS

    unit in it’s place then you will be okay without a separate

    power supply.

    I hope that made sense. Let us know if you have any other



    Johnsburg , IL. Fox Chain of lakes area
    Posts: 18

    Thanks Dan, I guess my more specific networking issue is with, how to hook up what cables, between the units since they have different plug sets on the back of the units. I want to be able to use a single temp probe between the units and even possibly toggle between the map displays to see way points from one unit on the other or even sonar reading displays from both units on one in a split screen mode. The Lowrance website used to vitrually let me build this type of system using a drag and drop setup with any possible units and accessories and tell me when I have it set up in a working condition and I can no longer find this feature on their site. I am viewing this as a off season project since it may take soem time and I am looking at winterizing my boat this weekend .

    Posts: 3

    Is it true that when you network an HDS with an LCX, you CAN share the sonar function (sonar readings on one transducer/screen can be sent and read on the other), but the GPS page/position must be received and viewed on each unit independently?

    If you CAN share the GPS function, what menu/commands do you use to do this?

    Posts: 3239

    If your unit has an ethernet port you have sonar sharing
    Sonar sharing via ethernet

    Any device you plug into the network buss such as a GPS module,
    a fuel flow sensor, an engine interface cable,
    as well as other sensors, this information can be viewed on
    all units connected to the network buss.

    GPS functionality is specific to each unit. Entered waypoints can be shared/transferred
    from unit to unit on the network. Icons are not shared/transferred.

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