Getting sick of transducer issues

  • wimwuen
    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    Let me start by saying I’ve been a lowrance user for years. I’ve never had a transducer issue until last year. I got a different boat, and installed a 334C on it. I’m now on my 3rd transducer since March of 08, and this one is going too. My dad runs a 102C and is on his 3rd in the same amount of time.

    What’s the deal? I want to buy a HDS8 but am re-thinking it if I have to purchase a new transducer every few months.

    My sonar reading will all of a sudden show something like 1.8 feet when I’m sitting stock still in 20′ of water. It may start to work again shortly, or stay like that all day. I’ve always liked my Lowrance products, but am really getting frustrated with this situation.

    Anybody have a solution for these transducers?

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    I just bought a new hds 8 & 5, I hope I dodn’t have the same problems.

    Red Wing
    Posts: 539

    I have the same issue. I bought a new one last October and need a new one right now. Mine jumps all over the place and can’t hook up with the correct depth. Lowrance reps and Cabela’s folks say “There was a bad batch of transducers over the past year.” Hummingbird sounds good right now.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    That’s the way I’m starting to lean. This 334 has been a nightmare all the way around. It’s amazing how it just randomly decides when to loose GPS signal. When it works, it’s awesome, but this whole transducer thing is pushing it over the top.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    After being a lifetime user of Lowrance units and saying I’d never own a hummingbird unit. I to am about ready to make the switch. I’m not sure what happen to Lowrances quality or their customer service but they are both poor these days. I hate to say it but if they don’t get it figured out soon they may not be around long. I know a ton of people who have problems with them lately and have switched to other brands.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    my 520 was doing the same and i got a new transducer.
    im now hoping that this one does not start acting up again from hearing this is an issue with others. here i thought i might have nicked a wire upon my install but couldnt find any abrasions, puts faith back in myself but now ? Lowrance.
    i can see it now, it will go out an a big trip i plan and wont be abole to buy a new one.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I’m not convinced you’re talking about a transducer issue, sounds much more like a software issue. I noticed mine is a little worse with the “current” software. Good thing I updated it

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960


    I thought the same thing a while ago, so I updated. It seemed to help for a day or two. I have the most current version. Their site says the most current version is from 12/20/07.

    It works better for a few months every time I put a new transducer on. I have noticed it does this more in current areas than in dead calm water. It’s just strange that it’s not an issue for months, then it’s like I can’t get it to work more than 50% of the time.

    It’s really frustrating when you’re trying to troll a break line and first your GPS signal gets dropped, then your sonar reading is off. It makes it pretty hard to troll that breakline just the way you want.

    I hope I can find a fix because I’d like to stay with Lowrance. It’s the brand I’ve used for the past 15 years, but I can’t have a $600 sonar/GPS unit that doesn’t work either.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Yeah, I don’t know the solution, and I’m not sure lowrance does either, I’m a little tired of issues myself, I went over bait yesterday that would change the depth range (in auto) to 5-10′ I don’t remember it being that sensetive, I just know it doesn’t seem to work as good with the “newest” software…

    Maybe I’ll swap transducers and see if I can see a difference myself.

    Posts: 188

    Does anyone know if lowrance makes their units in the us or has them made in a cheaper (labor)country? Their machines are getting way too complicated and more and more unreliable.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    Not 100% certain but have heard they are mfg in China.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    I have had similar issues with my sonars. Usually goes haywire in heavy weeds, no correct that, weeds of any thickness. Especially if I am sitting or slowly drifting.

    Moving out of the weeds takes care of it most of the time.

    I have never done it, but have heard you can order a transducer directly from airmar with Lowrance connectors on it, spendy though, the number that comes to mind was around $800 I am prolly way off though.

    Like Nick said, it feels like a “software” issue. Like not enough computer power to process all of the returns from the weeds. The software updates were supposed to address this, I have held out with my original software version, not wanting to use “beta” versions in 3 grand worth of sonars.

    I have a dead one now anyway so I may end up with the newer version of the software in one of them when/if it gets repaired or replaced.

    My first sonar was a 332c that never missed a beat. I could be sitting in 3 fow on top of weeds so thick you could not see bottom and it would keep chugging along. I hated the small screen though and moved up to a 113 and a 37. Have had the 113 replaced 2 times and now the 37 just died on me last week. Gone through 3 transducers in that time. The ONLY thing that has continued to work for me is my LGC-2000 gps antenae, have heard headaches others have had with them, I must have lucked out with a good one.

    If you have the shallow water option you could try that, I have not seen a difference personally while using it but I do leave it set to that mode.

    Good luck, not sure what else to tell you.

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    Same sad story here, ducer flashing in and out, The Bird is getting my next hard earned $$$$ Lowrance can kiss my from here on out, spent way too many hours on the phone with them getting no where… Glad others agree

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