Here I go again, Wish me luck! Another dead sonar

  • wallgeye
    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    Took the favorite GF to the pond fishing Thursday. Hooked up my sonars (1197SI, 113hd and a 37c) only to find the 37C on the bow simply made a few beeps at me when I hit the power button. Screen did nothing, unhooked cables and reconnected. This time nothing, not even a beep.

    I’ll be calling Linda on Monday or Tuesday, whenever I get a chance to and see if she can do anything for me, thing is barely 2 years old and only gets used on 4 or 5 trips out a year, cant imagine I have more then 1000 operating hours on the thing.

    This might just push me over the edge with Lowrance, I had a 332c that worked great for 4 years, I have had nothing but trouble with the 113 and now the 37c. I understand the warranty was only a year but for the money spent on these units and the amount of water time they have seen I would sure expect to get more then 2 years out of them before they die. Treat all the electronics on the boat like fine china, go from the mounts into padded Cabela’s electronics bags and back to the mounts. I do not even drive to and from the lake with them mounted.

    This sucks!

    Jeff Matura
    Sumner, IA
    Posts: 238

    Is Lowrance actually made in America, or assembled in America meaning that the printed circuit boards come stuffed from our friends in mexico or china?

    I work for major industrial controls manufacturer who claims they are the Cadilac of industrial automation products. Problem is that while the product is assembled in America the parts all come from mexico and china. Hard to build a Cadilac with chevy parts….

    Posts: 3239

    Did you check the 3 amp fuse?

    Try plugging the 37 into the 113 cable and see if it works.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    Dandorn, thanks for the reply and suggestion. I failed to mention that I did move the 37 to where my 113 is mounted and tried it there, no dice and the 113 fires up fine where the 37 is mounted. I got an email into Lowrance, waiting for a reply.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    New unit shipped today and should be here in time for the weekend! Only took 6 weeks or so. I am guessing that by the time open water comes back around if either of my units die again I will be switching the rest of the way to Humminbird. I really doubt Lowrance will keep the LCX series alive much longer for warranty.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097


    I really doubt Lowrance will keep the LCX series alive much longer for warranty

    Don’t say like that….

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope my 27 holds up.

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