upgrade HD5x

  • yellowdog
    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    Has anybody out there done an upgrade on a HD5X unit? From what I was able to glean online you need to download from a HDS5 that has already been upgraded. Is this right? And if this is so, where am I supposed to get one? If I had a HD5 I wouldn’t need to upgrade the 5X

    North Iowa
    Posts: 106

    On the lowrance web site under the download tab you should be able to download to an SD chip any software changes or updates needed. Then follow the instructions lowrance provides on their web page. While I do not have a HD5 I have updated my 522C unit from the lowrance web site.

    Posts: 3239

    You need to find someone or someplace that has an HDS unit

    (with the most current update) and an ethernet cable to connect the two units.

    From there follow the directions on the Lowrance site

    to update your 5x.

    It can be any HDS unit with a SD/MMC slot.

    Hopefully a buddy or local retailer can help you out.

    Otherwise you can ship it to me and I’ll do it for you.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    The reference to the “X” in the product name threw me so I had to go do some digging to get on the same page regarding the poster’s question about updating the unit. For those that don’t know, count me in that camp until a few minutes ago, the HDs5x is a HD unit, with broadband sounder without GPS capabilities. I see the unit has the door for the SD card slots… I’m assuming those SD slots are non-functional. Can anyone verify that? I would assume so given that these units need to be updated via the ethernet connection with another HDS unit. This of course is a non-issue if you own a regular HDS unit to go with your “x.” If not I can see how getting one updated represents a little challenge.

    HDS-5x at Cabelas

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    so I’m not crazy [at least concerning this] This seems like a real poor way to operate. You would think Lowrance could come up witha better solution.Dan thanks for the offer to help.If I can’t find anyone locally I may have to take you up on it.

    Posts: 496

    Yes, it is kind of a goofy way of updating a unit.The face of the 5X DOES NOT have a SD card slot. It is only stamped to look like it has a operating door. You need another unit and cable.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Wow, Lowrance really hit a home run with this. I really wonder what some engineers for companies like this do for a hobby. Obviously, they don’t fish or use the product.

    Posts: 3239


    Wow, Lowrance really hit a home run with this. I really wonder what some engineers for companies like this do for a hobby. Obviously, they don’t fish or use the product.

    I’d rather have it so I can update software, whatever that may entail, than to not have the capability to enhance my investment.

    Stay on the sunny side!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Spoken like a true Lowrance sponsored rep.

    I’m comfortable talking ethernet, serial etc… Not many fisherman I know want this hassle. Given all the issues Lowrance has had of late and requiring updates to fix, well, let’s just agree they could have made this much simpler. Ya, sure, I can run to Cabelas no problem. What about the guy living on Lake of Woods or Lake Oahe?? Spend that kind of money then have to send it off for who knows how long??

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