H20C power adaptor ??

  • DSchuh
    Golden, CO
    Posts: 110

    I know I have read in the past that many have had their cigarette adaptor for the H20’s go out and have received a replacement from Lowrance, my question is if there is a time limit on what they will replace? My H20C is about 2 1/2 years old, do you think they would still send out a new adaptor? If not, would JollyAnn be the best place to look for a replacement?

    Posts: 59

    I don’t know if lowrance will send you one, but you can get them at Scheels. If you live near Eau Claire stop in at Scheels and I will give you one or two. Just ask for Dwight.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    It’s kind of Dwight to offer but Golden Colorado is probably a little too far away for a quick trip to the Eau Claire Scheels. If you can’t find one in stock locally, perhaps Dwight can mail one to you. If not, I can order you one but it would probably be a week to 10 days. Email me if you need help.

    Golden, CO
    Posts: 110

    Thanks for the offer Dwight although I will be back home in MN next weekend, Eau Claire is still a little bit of a hike.

    Thanks for the help guys. Wade, if I can’t find something locally I’ll shoot you an email.

    Terry Crisp
    Hastings MN
    Posts: 4

    Say DSchuh,

    Did you ever get a new d.c. power cord. I read the post and did not know that there was a defective number of these cords. My d.c. adaptor started haveing intermittent problems shortly after purchasing the H2O. I was just wondering cause the replacement cost is $30.00


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