I am pretty stoked over this locater I picked up this week, its my first electronic upgrade in 7 years, no more hand held in the boat atleast until I get my favorite waypoints transferred over. I have been reading some of the issues with the new technology. I noticed in the owners manual you can actually set your locater for any kind of fishing you do, from slow trolling to deep water / shallow water fishing etc.etc. Also I see they mentioned chart speed and ice fishing in the owners manual. Does this mean this locater is ice capable and if so how? Also I had issues with getting the upgrade’s from Lowrance, but my daughter became very usefull when I asked her for help on the download. It went pretty good after that but still slow. Man am I a computer dummy. This new tool will bring a whole new meaning to presicion trolling for me – no more guessing on the up coming contour or losing structre because I dont understand how it goes and all in Hi-Def. Bring on the side imaging Lowrance, I think I can afford it in a year or so

Posts: 6259
June 13, 2009 at 7:22 pm