Does doc have a hds video?

  • huntfishhastings
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    I was wondering about the instructional video for the hds units? If so where can you buy it? I’m new to the advanced sonar and cant figure out where all my settings are suppost to be in what situations. I fish pool 4 90% of the time im on the water where does everyone eles run their ping,scroll, etc? I can always read bottom well but never seem to graph the nice echos of fish like I thought it would show me.Thanks for the help.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Not yet. Last I heard, Doc will be making a DVD for the HDS units, but it’ll be a while. It’s the busy time of year for him. I’d bet it won’t be out until Winter or next spring maybe.

    Minot, ND
    Posts: 146

    Crank your ColorLine up a little bit, I’m running mine at about 81% for most situations. Run your sensitivity in Manual Mode for best results. Is your transducer good? Can you black out the screen with your sensitivity turned up to 100%?

    Jim Carroll NPAA #13

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    not shure about the sensitvity black out ill have to try that. How do you know where to set it in manual mode? I guess i can turn it up untill I appear to see fish but usually the screen has a lot of interference on it then. Is there a way to check the transducer or is the black out the way to check? What about scroll and ping speed. I usually run my ping about 3/4 and scroll about the same. Ive played around with the colorline but then it seems like I have to turn down the sensativity if i crank that up. Does anyone make a video for the HDS units?

    Minot, ND
    Posts: 146

    Uncheck your Auto Sensitivity to put it in manual mode, than manually adjust your sensitivity to your liking. You can mess around a lot with sensitivity especially if you change your surface clarity or noise filters. I run my ping at 100%. I vary my chart speed to suit conditions, but most of the time it’s normal fast and not 2X etc. Do you have the latest software version uploaded? Are you seeing the clutter or noise on the screen when the boat is drifting along, or just when it is up on plane?

    Nobody has a video yet that I’m aware of, but I believe Doc has plans to make one.

    Jim Carroll NPAA #13

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    Went out today and took it out of auto sensitivity and it was exactly what I thought it should look like. Had nice marks and could tell better between hard and soft bottom too. Thanks for all the help. Pool 4 is hot right now we must have boated 80 fish today of all sizes 25 being the largest.

    doc samson
    Posts: 222

    I plan to have the first of my HDS series out this winter. I am still learning all the features. It will teach how to use the features, set up the HDS and networks in the boat, and an explanation of the menus. My Understanding Sonar DVDs will work well for the HDS sonar.

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