gps questions for Lowrance LCX15mt

  • tomj
    Posts: 3

    I have a Lowrance LCX15MT that I just removed form my boat. I have only used it for a front depth finder and have never used the GPS on it. I opened it to examine the chip inserts and found that it has two slots. The right side had a 16 gig chip labeled Texas and New Mexico. The left side was empty. I am not very computer savy and I don’t have a manuel for this model.The unit came with the boat which I bougth last year. It is an 04. The manuel that came with it is for a 330c/335cdf. On the back is a note writen by hand naming my model with version 2.3 April 22,2002. The question is what is the left slot for ?. I also read that these units can be updated to 3.6 or 3.7. How do you do that and will it improve the unit. It worked great for me and I will probably sell it but I don,t know what it can do or what it is worth. Any advice is appreciated.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Both slots are for MMC cards (map chips or blank MMC cards to record data). It has two cards so a person could have a map card in one and a blank card for recording their own data in the other, for example.

    The X-15 was an excellent unit in it’s time, and still is a very good sonar unit. If it works well for you now, I probably would not update the software if you are only using it for sonar purposes.

    Posts: 3

    Thanks for the quick reply. I removed the unit and installed a color unit for better visibility. Would upgrading the version make the unit better for whoever buys it. It works great ,it was just to hard for my old eyes to see.

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    I am looking for an x15 so if you are looking to sell it, please let me know. Updating a unit is very simple. I would just let the new over take care of it. From start to finish, it takes less than ten minutes.


    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Tom, I think you have the answer to your question.

    Posts: 3

    Thank you for your answers. I was able to down load a manual and additional info to improve the unit. I had no idea how much that unit could do. I sold it with the new manual on a disc and made enough to pay for my new color finder for the bow. Thanks again…TJ

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