LCX 37c problem?

  • jt_fish
    Posts: 138

    My unit would once in a while lose its depth reading and the depth would flash and the screen would stop scrolling. Now this year it is nearly non-stop. It will read correctly for about 30 seconds then freeze up for several minutes at a time. This occurs all the time, when running the and when sitting idle with nothing in the boat running, makes no difference.

    Is this a transducer issue, I checked its location it is mounted just as outlined in the manual. It is clean and damage free. Is it defective.

    I read another post about software updates. How could the software be an issue this year and not before, well not as bad as it is now?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    kasson mn.
    Posts: 69

    I have had a similar problem and it was the transducer
    good luck

    Rice Lake, WI
    Posts: 620

    I just bought a brand new LCX 37C this year and had it on the water right out of the box and it had this problem and still does. I am not a happy camper right now and think it BS that you get a brand new unit and have to update it or get a new transducer. These electronics are great but suck at the same time. What kind of boat are you running?

    Posts: 138

    It is a crestliner sportfish. Looking back I have had the problem since it was new (less than a year ago), it would lose signal for only a few seconds and get it back, the recovery time was getting longer, but I never thought about it until this year, the first time out and it won’t even function for longer than a minutes and locks up. I updated the software, I don’t think that will help.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Take a look at these 2 threads – 1 and 2.

    Not sure if it will fix your problem, but sounds like a similar problem.

    Posts: 138

    Sounds like LEI is having some quality issues with the HST-WSBL transducers.


    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097


    Sounds like LEI is having some quality issues with the HST-WSBL transducers.


    I’ve heard that the manufacturing location changed and the products from the new plant have been failing, but who knows what the truth is.

    United States
    Posts: 29

    I had the same problem with X-27 in shallow water. Had to have it reprogramed because it didn’t have a shallow water mode. Sine then it has been working fine.

    Posts: 138

    Finally got out on the water with a new transducer.
    Worked fine.

    Nothing more frustrating than and expensive toy not working!

    Thanks for the help everyone

    Sugar Land, TX
    Posts: 609

    Glad the problem is fixed. I just noticed this problem with my 26 last week. When I looked in the owners manual it mentioned low voltage could be an issue. I didn’t plug in my boat over the course of several days of fishing. I charged it. It worked better the next day. The owners manual also mentioned something about sensitivity settings which seemed to help.

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