HDS 9 Touch Problem

  • Beuks60
    Posts: 24

    I finally got out on the water after installing my new HDS 9 Touch and it works really good. I do have one question…when I start bring the boat up to speed, I lose my display for my sonar. I have attached the picture to hopefully get some good insight on here.

    I have kept the ducer away from the chines so I am not sure what else to do…any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    When you say you “lose the display for the sonar”, are you saying the screen goes dark or you lose the depth reading and structure below?

    The StructureScan and DownScan still works?

    Posts: 3239

    Possibly turbulence from your SS transducer.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    be worth maybe trying to set sensitivity to manual and try adjusting as you are running.
    Does your depth flash or does it show a depth but just not bottom… if that makes sense.

    Dale Rueber
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 233

    If you are loosing bottom you may need to lower the transducer or move it right/left a little. Have somebody else drive and take a look at it while on plane to make sure it is in the water and placed properly.

    Posts: 24

    Sorry…that was poorly worded!

    I lose my depth reading and the bottom no longer shows…the screen is virtually just white until I slow down to < 5mph!

    The downscan still works best I can remember!

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    What boat is that? I think I see a “step” in the transom that the ducer is mounted on rather than having one vertical plane on the transom. Ducer cannot be mounted on the step if you want it to register while on plane.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    Sorry…that was poorly worded!

    I lose my depth reading and the bottom no longer shows…the screen is virtually just white until I slow down to < 5mph!

    The downscan still works best I can remember!

    Normally you see the opposite where your downscan doesn’t read bottom and the 2D sonar still works fine. I would check to make sure your 2D ducer is still in the water when on plane.

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    Make sure your overlay is set to display the 2dD transducer and not the downscan depth. If it is overlaying the downscan depth you will loose it on plane. There should be a description near the depth unless you have turned them off.I think it says: Depth:DwnScn if it is displaying the wrong one.I saw this happen this spring on another persons new boat with new electronics and it took a bit to catch on!

    Posts: 24

    It is a Skeeter WX 1850.

    Are you talking about the mounting board or the step below where the drain plug is?? This is where the previous ducer was mounted and I didn’t have a problem with it!

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    I guess I call the underside (parallel to ground) where you mounted the ducer the “step”. you might be right on your old transducer, I just have never seen a skimmer mounted like yours on a boat with a step. I have seen them at the bottom on the same edge as the drain plug and other water inlet/outlets and also as a shoot-thru hull type.

    Best bet, call either of the skeeter boat center locations to confirm that it can be mounted where you have it. It isn’t the first time I would be wrong

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    a lower level picture would be easier to see, but it looks like your transom where your board is is a few inches shallower than the true bottom of the boat. Starboard of you transducer looks like it cuts back under the boat, forward of your transducer.
    If that is true, that’s the step, and the depth transducer should probably be mounted back under where the true bottom of the boat meets that vertical step.
    The LSS if probably fine where it is as that would be in the water at slower speeds.
    Add a pic if you can from a lower level, and you’ll definitely get some answers here.
    good luck

    Posts: 4062

    Have you adjusted any of the settings?

    If not you are loosing bottom contact more than likely from transducer set up and install. Like mentioned earlier a pic of the bottom would be helpful

    Posts: 24

    Attached is a picture that shows the bottom a little better. Hopefully someone out there can help me get this fixed. I haven’t been able to get the boat back out on the water because momma is about ready to pop with our second. Hope to have it fixed by the next time I hit the water so any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Still hard to tell, but it looks to me like it should be about 1/4 inch lower.

    Put a straight edge or a board along the bottom of the hull next to the transducer. The xducer should be lower then the hull.

    Again, by the looks of it when you’re putting along the xducer is in the water. On plane if it’s even or above the hull line it’s not going to read properly.

    Posts: 4062

    I agree drop it a little

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    It looks like when the boat is on plane, the transducer will be up out of the water. I would take somebody out with you and have them look over the back when on plane and see if it is out of the water.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Maybe not related or not even an issue, but I thought you were supposed to separate the sonar and structure scan xducers by 12-18″ or so. I could be wrong though.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    On my Skeeter, the Structure Scan transducer is mounted where you have it.
    The sonar transducer is not. It’s mounted below on the surface just above the bunks on your trailer.

    Like John said, it may be that your transducer is coming out of the water or even if it isn’t, that area is seeing enough turbulance and air bubbles that it can’t get a reading.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Refer to your Structure Scan transom mount Installation guide:

    pg 10 shows Step mount, area just above your bunks.

    not where you have it,(back transom).

    where you have it should work at slower speeds when it is fully in the water, but on plan, there would be little or not enough water contact, so it won’t work.

    pg 7 shows that LSS ducer and 2D sonar transducer have to be less than 12 inches separated so the overlays will be more correct.

    If you want the side scan to work on plan, you’ll have to move it to the edge where your bunks are, and again, may as well then put the 2D there also for overlay accuracy.

    good luck,


    ( I just read Joel’s note, he and I are on the right idea.

    I went and got my manuals to make sure of my point, and he types faster.)

    Posts: 24

    Thanks guys!

    Would you be willing to take a couple of pictures of your setup and post it so I can reference it when changing this??

    Thanks again!

    Posts: 45

    I just sold my WX1850 but I believe my structure scan transducer was over more almost directly underneath your ladder. It should be just far enough off center that you can turn your motor completely and not hit it.

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