X102C Question

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Spent part of my day today hooking up my new to me Lowrance units in my boat, when I was done and moving my boat back to the half stall of my garage I heard a clicking noise coming from the universal sonar on my Minnkota. Turns out my X102C that I mounted on the bow was on and when I went to power it down it would come right back on by itself!
    I had to unplug the power to get it to turn off, anyone here have this happen before? Any ideas of what the problem might be?

    Winsted, MN
    Posts: 409

    Sorry steve but my 102 did the same thing. Another buddys did too. I believe there has been posts on these units from yrs back. We both threw ours away as there was no fixing them. My 332 also started doin it too. Im all hb now. So far so good.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    My dad had a 102C that did the same thing. Had to unplug it after use, or it would drain the battery.

    Posts: 466

    Wire in a toggle switch

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    My 1st color graph was a 102C. That had to be 20+ years ago. I don’t think they’ve made than unit for a long, long time.
    The toggle switch idea’s a good one

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    I had the same thing happen to one of those a few years back and yes, there really isn’t anything you can do to fix it.
    Other than unplugging or like said, wire in another switch.

    My boat had a master power switch on the tiller console, so I was able to use it for awhile yet. Eventually, the whole thing gave up the ghost though.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    interesting…mine did the same damn thing. I figured it was better that I couldn’t turn it off than turn it on though.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Thanks for all the replies everyone, I will try the toggle switch idea!

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