
  • boos1906
    Posts: 643

    Hey guys I have a hds gen 2. I have some way points I’m trying to type in and save. Here is the way point to my drive way N40 52.273 W 099 59.558. Here is a example of a way point now that I’m trying to save N 049 29.590’ W 098 25.917’. How do I change it so I can type in the 0? I;m sure I’m doing something wrong. The way point to my drive way only has 7 numbers under north and the lake way point has 8 under north. Also when I load my navionics chip into the sd card slot does it automatically load? Thanks for the help.

    Posts: 3239

    Type it in without the “0” and then check your map to see if it’s on there.

    You’ll have to tell your HDS to read the navionics card in the menu under “Map Data”. Select Navionics.

    Posts: 643

    I’d say you have to have the 0. It says I’m 122 miles or something from that way point when I leave the 0 off. It should be closer to 220 miles away

    Posts: 643

    Never mind I just looked at map quest and it looks like I’m about 185 miles away. SO it’s still off but not as bad as I thought. Any ideas?

    Monticello / Guthrie, MN
    Posts: 382

    Sounds like you are working with different coordinate formats. Your Lowrance can handle different coordinate systems if you tell it which one to work with . Check your settings for different waypoint formats. You can also convert from one coordinate system to another yourself.
    GPS Coordinate Format

    Posts: 643

    I have tried using different formats under setting. None of them will place let me put the 0 in. Any ideas guys? SOmebody has to know how to do this

    Moorhead, MN
    Posts: 1151


    Never mind I just looked at map quest and it looks like I’m about 185 miles away. SO it’s still off but not as bad as I thought. Any ideas?

    Could it be that mapquest would be if you are driving and your GPS cordinates would be as the crow flies. So if the road is not a straight shot that could be your difference?

    Posts: 643

    Not sure but that’s a idea. Anybody know if this would be true?

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Your GPS on the boat will always give you a straight line to your saved icon or location. Very easy to have a shorter distance this way vs. a MapQuest program giving you road directions.

    Posts: 643

    Thanks for the info Calvin. I will go ahead and enter all the waypoints with out a 0 then. And hope when we goto the lake they are there. Thanks again

    Posts: 3239


    Thanks for the info Calvin. I will go ahead and enter all the waypoints with out a 0 then. And hope when we goto the lake they are there. Thanks again

    You can go to the lake, at home, on your HDS and check for waypoint icons.

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