Lowrance elite 7 DSI good or bad?

  • hookem
    Posts: 1027

    Gander has them for $599 including a map chip & dust cover. Anybody have one of these? Likes & dislikes.

    Reviews on them are they are the greatest thing since sliced bread or a piece of crap that doesn’t power up or stay powered up.

    Posts: 1894

    I have had one on my bow since March last year. I had issues with it powering down until I updated it. After a year of use I personally would of went with a different graph. I spent all day Thurs on pool 4 and compared my elite 7 and 998 HD si I just installed and when comparing the two the bird was much easier to read and less clutter. The GPS leaves a lot to desire on the elite. I wouldn’t go as far as calling it a bad unit or crap but I think for the money you could get a more reliable unit.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 71

    I actually have two of them on my dash. I use one for my GPS and one for depth, etc. I have had pretty good luck with them. I have felt that for the money, they are decent.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506


    I have had one on my bow since March last year. I had issues with it powering down until I updated it. After a year of use I personally would of went with a different graph. I spent all day Thurs on pool 4 and compared my elite 7 and 998 HD si I just installed and when comparing the two the bird was much easier to read and less clutter. The GPS leaves a lot to desire on the elite. I wouldn’t go as far as calling it a bad unit or crap but I think for the money you could get a more reliable unit.

    It’s tough comparing a unit for 600.00 to one costing over 1200.00. I would expact the 1200.00 to be much better. I would expect the HDS 7 with side imaging to be much better than the Elite 7 too.

    I bought the Elite 5 last year and didn’t have any issues with it. Obviously, the screen could be bigger.

    Wahkon, Mn
    Posts: 276

    I bought the elite 7 hdi last July and with a half a season of using it I am impressed. I fish mainly Mille Lacs and LOTW Canadian side and I thought the gps did a fine job. Sonar was awesome and I didn’t go over budget on electronics. I am going to buy another to run back by my kicker

    Posts: 1894

    Out of 3 of us that bought them last year 2 have been replaced mine has not but it has never worked as it should which lowrance says it is working as it should. For the same price range you can still get a 7″ screen and HD .

    Posts: 1027

    I didn’t post it correctly. It is the Elite 7 DSI model with a free Lowrance mapping chip.

    Posts: 152

    To me, for the money, there is not a better unit out there that does as much. It is a price-point issue. Are there better units out there? Yes. Are there better units with as many features for the money? No.

    I have run mine for about one year and I love it. No problems. Of course, I don’t have the fancier HDS or Humminbird units. It was also a huge upgrade for me from my very out-of-date grayscale units. I love the GPS and I think the 7 inch screen with three-different viewing options is great! Couldn’t be happier.

    Northern IA
    Posts: 83

    599 for the dsi is a good buy for that unit even without a chip.

    Posts: 1027

    Pulled the trigger on the elite 7 DSI last night. Cabelas matched Ganders $599 price + $50 off Cabelas postcard + $100 Cabelas gift cards + the rest in Cabelas points. Cost to me $0.00. Came with dust cover and map chip in the box too.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Got a friend who bought one last year and is very impressed with it!!!


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