HDS 7 Gen 1 question

  • guthook1
    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    Been using my HDS 7 for ice fishing. Have 2 batteries a 7 and an 8 amp. Only get 2 to 3 hours out of each batteries. Is there a way to disable the GPS and cut down on the power usage…or would that make any difference. Have looked at small ATV batteries, but could not find any sealed ones. I have looked at other fishfinders and may go that way if I have to..(both batteries test 13 – 14 volt storage).
    bestfishes – jim

    Posts: 9227

    I tried with a gen 1 HDS5 and couldn’t find a way to stop the GPS and keep the sonar running. Not saying there isn’t a way, just saying that I didn’t find one after playing around with it for awhile.

    Screen brightness is the biggest variable in battery life with the LCDs. Keep it as low as possible.

    I have no problem getting a full day out of my HDS5 on 1 cheap 10ah battery.

    champlin mn
    Posts: 370

    google ” doctor sonar” hes a genius

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Not sure this is going to do it for you but maybe give it a try
    On chart page, hit menu twice.
    go up to setting, arrow right
    go down to satelites.
    If it’s is highlighted auto HDS 7 hit enter and it should become un highlighted.
    I am thinking that shuts down the GPS side of unit but am
    not for certain.

    I’ll keep playing with as time permits.
    Hoping others chime in.

    Good luck

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