Lowrance H2O Power Cord

  • koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    Does anyone have a H2O power cord they’d like to sell?

    I lost the inside parts to the plug.

    Lowrance doesn’t carry anything for the H2O anymore.

    Posts: 52

    I might have one. I know it was in my garage not that long ago but I don’t remember if kept it or tossed it. I’ll try to check when I get home from work.

    Posts: 1

    I’m sure I have one. I live in central Iowa. Had my h2o turned off for 4 years and it will not find satellites. They wanted me to send it in and charge me $140 to fix it

    Posts: 52

    I looked and couldn’t find it. I found the RAM mount for it but no power.

    John Gildersleeve
    Posts: 742

    Yes I have a brand new one for my h2o color, but the gps does not work. Brand new in the package yet. $40 plus shipping and its yours! PM if interested.

    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    Kraig, Icenutz is right on if all you lost were the inside parts that fell out when the knurled ring unscrewed. Four parts would need replacement and they are pretty standard–the fuse, a metal cap to go over the fuse, the knurled ring, and a spring. I have two 12v plugs side by side and the parts are interchangeable–one is my H2o/hunt power supply. You probably have one in your junk drawer right now–I had 4 of them.

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