Doctor Sonar Classes Too Much Info!

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Last Friday I attended the Doctor Sonar class that was to cover Lowrance, Huminbird Electronics and Navionics Mapping Chips and Apps.

    The first thing Doctor Sonar aka Bruce “Doc” Sampson said to our group was “You’ll have too much information at the end of the day”. Yeah, he was right. I seldom take notes, but there is no way a person can retain all the information from this class without recording it or taking notes.

    The goal of Doc’s classes are to help us understand how we can make this technology work for us. After all, we spent the money on these units to help us catch more fish right?

    Doc utilizes the latest in technology as well. If we had a question, we just spoke into a voice activated microphone and it was transmitted right into Doc’s little hearing aid looking receiver. No matter where the student was in the room, Doc heard the question, repeated it and gave the answer.

    Basics First.

    The Power Point presentation started off with the basics to ensure we were all on the same page as far as understanding how the “2 D” sonar we are all use to worked.

    Then it was on to figuring out what the heck all those different colors and marks were on the display. Now anyone can tell just by reading the owners manual that the color yellow is the most dense return, then red followed by blue.

    What Doc does to help translate the colors in our brains is to show the display and the actual underwater video at the same time. Watching the bottom change from the blue (soft) bottom into a yellow (hard rock) bottom really help a person understand what your expensive electronics are showing the user.

    Doc used the underwater video camera to show what bait fish, walleyes, suckers and sunfish look like on the sonar screen. Of course you’ll still have to know the hang outs of these types of fish because your sonar will not label them for you. Confused? Here’s one good example.

    In looking at the sonar, there were some fish having a short fat arch in 45 feet of water suspended over a hard bottom. What species were they? Using the underwater camera, it became clear they were bluegills. So knowing how fish behave and where they like to hang out helps in making the ID off the sonar display. In the end making a good decision if I should spend the time to fish them.

    Now I’m not trying to give a class here and couldn’t anyway. The above chewed up the morning and spilled over into the afternoon.

    At this point the Humminbird folks went over to one area and Johnny Candle covered off on the specifics of running the ‘bird sonars with the SideScan technology.

    I stayed to listen to Mark O’Neill go through Lowrance’s StructureScan and DownScan along with how they work.

    (Just a note, if you haven’t looked at a StructureScan/DownScan sonar, do it! These are coming down in price all the time and they are HUGE in fish and structure finding!)

    Mark covered off on way too much to touch on here, but I’ll try to list a few.

    *Basic functions and how to utilize the settings to optimize your unit for your kind of fishing.

    *Organizing of waypoints and other waypoint tips/tricks.

    *Trails and Routes – what are they and how to best use them.

    *Why is backing up your info important to you and how to accomplish this quickly.

    *What is Sirius In-Land Weather.

    Then we moved on to Kirt Hedquist the expert on Navionics mapping chips and Mobile apps.

    There is so much going on with these map chips and application for smartphones and tablets it’s unbelievable.

    Beside the standard plug and play chips that have been around for years, you’ll be able make your own map of waters that you fish. In other words, people that couldn’t find contour map of the smallish lake they liked to fish or poor quality mapping on their favorite lake Navionics can help you with SonarCharts. You drive around the lake logging sonar to a blank chip, this info is then uploaded to Navionics and they will then update the cartography (depth contour lines) on these lakes. This new data is then downloaded to your existing qualifying Navionics chip thru the Freshest Data program. Next time your out fishing repeat the above process and Navionics will update your lake again.

    What you’ll end up with is a very detailed map of your lake! Heck, Doc had a hole on the St. Croix that’s not on any commercial chip! Truly amazing technology that easily affordable to Joe Sixpack fisherman today.

    When I came home from work today it was -15 on the thermometer. Guess where I was? Outside checking out some of the tips that came from Doc’s class. Yes, my wife did ask me if I had gone nuts. I told her I just talked to the Doc, she didn’t think it was as funny as I did.

    OK, I’m going to repeat this again. It’s important. There is no way I can cover the 8 hours of info Doc and team tried to pour into our heads here.

    After spending a good chunk of change on today’s sonar/gps units and using them for just over a year, it was well worth Doc’s fee. I know there will be more fish in my boat this summer because of it.

    If you’re befuddled by your sonar or just want to get to know it better…check out the Doctor Sonar Classes.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 32

    Great summary of our class, Brian! Anglers should put Doc, Bruce, and Kirt on their list of people to go see for the first time or…again, and again for people like me! Take care, Spike

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 32

    Sorry, I meant Mark, not Bruce! The cold is getting to me!! Spike

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks Spike!

    Summary it is!

    Posts: 698

    thank god I just have a Vex….

    sw Mn.
    Posts: 418

    I had the privilege to take Doc’s class 4 or 5 years ago. He does put out a VERY informative fun class. I Highly recommend it if you want to learn more about your sonar.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    thank god I just have a Vex….

    You don’t know what your missing.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482


    Was there any discussion on whether running Bird and Lowrance on the same boat will cause interference?

    I am waaaay over due for an upgrade on the boat. I have a new Terrova on the bow, which I would like to pair up with a Hummingbird.

    I am very interested in the Navionics offering you mentioned where one can chart their own lake. Which would mean a Lowrance on the dash.

    Does anybody know if this will work? I have a glassed Lowrance ducer from my original unit, and would add the side\downscan off the back. I was told by Jack at Actions in Anoka that I will be fine there. Just wondering if I use the Minn-Kota universal and hose clamp the SI to the trolling motor for the bird in the front will I end up with crazy interference?

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Great class, just finished taking one of his classes up at Vermillion in Sept. Was super… I don’t have the modern equipment, but a friend of mine wanted help remembering/helping with the fishing. Johnnie Candle did the Hummingbird side of things… Fishing was pretty good for walleyes too!!! Brought musky gear with, but never got a chance to huck for the big girls though.


    Posts: 4062



    Was there any discussion on whether running Bird and Lowrance on the same boat will cause interference?

    —>Only if they are on the same frequency. 200 and 200

    I am waaaay over due for an upgrade on the boat. I have a new Terrova on the bow, which I would like to pair up with a Hummingbird.

    I am very interested in the Navionics offering you mentioned where one can chart their own lake. Which would mean a Lowrance on the dash.

    —>The Navionics will work in either Lowrance or Bird, Bird you can log sonar and update charts

    Does anybody know if this will work? I have a glassed Lowrance ducer from my original unit, and would add the side\downscan off the back. I was told by Jack at Actions in Anoka that I will be fine there. Just wondering if I use the Minn-Kota universal and hose clamp the SI to the trolling motor for the bird in the front will I end up with crazy interference?

    —>If you go in a straight line ok, as soon as you turn the image would be blurred

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey Dan or anyone else for that matter,

    I just attended the class. For specified Kirt aka Moreyes will field the questions…more so when it comes to ‘birds.

    MBenson, Johnny was very impressive at our class. He did the ‘bird portion and part of me feels I should have gone over there to listen because I know very little about them.

    Thanks Kirt!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That looked like Terri with the blue in the video.

    Not exactly what I was looking for but Thanks!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Also forgot to mention that Doc Sonar is going to be back at da Big V next September!!! I’ll look to see when that seminar is going to be, but I think I was told that it would be the week before last years on September 18-21. It is held at Vemillion Dam Lodge. Food was super and Ed runs a first class operation based on the service that I received and saw and how full he is every season, I mean “FULL”!!!


    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760



    Was there any discussion on whether running Bird and Lowrance on the same boat will cause interference?

    I am waaaay over due for an upgrade on the boat. I have a new Terrova on the bow, which I would like to pair up with a Hummingbird.

    I am very interested in the Navionics offering you mentioned where one can chart their own lake. Which would mean a Lowrance on the dash.

    Does anybody know if this will work? I have a glassed Lowrance ducer from my original unit, and would add the side\downscan off the back. I was told by Jack at Actions in Anoka that I will be fine there. Just wondering if I use the Minn-Kota universal and hose clamp the SI to the trolling motor for the bird in the front will I end up with crazy interference?

    Dan I ran an HDS 10 on the console of my 09 619 along with a Bird 898 for the Side Scan. No interference at all.

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