HDS gen 1 questions

  • Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    I have yet to get an HDS unit, but would really like to change that this upcoming season. A few questions.

    Will the structure scan II work with a gen 1 unit?

    I have a 332c that has the ‘network’ installed on it. I have a fuel sensor on it, and you can add other sensors if you remember. I’m guessing there’s no way this network would work with an HDS unit?

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    LSS-2 will work with a gen 1 HDS. You can hook your existing NMEA network in just fine. I would seriously look at a gen 2 unit though. Much quicker boot up and faster page transition. You get structure map capabilities as well.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Good to know, thanks. So the network that has my fuel sensor that is currently on my 332c would work with this? I was expecting that it surely would not. It would rock if it did though, I seem to rely on that quite a bit. But don’t necessarily wanna keep the 332 in the boat to have it.

    Posts: 3239


    You will need to power the network separately with the HDS units. Your 332 is currently bridging power to the network, so if you eliminate it and go with straight HDS units, you’ll have to buy a power node for the network.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309



    You will need to power the network separately with the HDS units. Your 332 is currently bridging power to the network, so if you eliminate it and go with straight HDS units, you’ll have to buy a power node for the network.

    Yes, what Dan said.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    My network is powered on its own, so that won’t be a problem. I already have a power wire set into the network. This is great news if I’m still able to use my fuel sensor. I believe it’s fairly accurate too.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    The structure map capabilities that you mention John…those are different than using a map card? Or are you talking about when you can run the structure scan over a map? I’ve seen that feature, it’s kinda nice. Would I still need a map card with a Gen II?

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Structure map allows you to overlay your structure scan recording on top of your map. You would still need a map chip for your depth contours. I don’t use the structure map a lot, but there are certain spots I’ve mapped and saved because they have interesting isolated structure I like to fish. If you know there is a crib or giant boulder in a spot, you can see exactly on your map where it is and how it lays out, rather than just having a waypoint.

    Having had both Gen 1 and Gen 2 units, I will say that the difference in speed of start up and page changes was enough to justify the change for me. The structure map was just a bonus toy.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    ^^And the GPS page refresh!

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Very nice, thanks guys. As things have progressed, I’m making the decision this year to go with an HDS Gen II with LSS. So, I have a few more questions that I bet you can answer, as I’m still kinda confused.

    When it comes to structure scan…..is it built into the Gen II units? So the box is no longer needed, just the ducer?
    If it’s built into the unit, I assume sharing with another unit would not be a problem?

    I’m specifically looking at the 7 touch or the 8 Gen II. I like the bigger screen on the 8 for sure, as well as the quick access soft buttons on the bottom. I could care less about the touch capabilities, but price and answers to the above questions will influence my ultimate decision. I’m not buying a unit without havig the structure scan. So I’m very curious about what comes with each unit to make the LSS work.

    Posts: 3239

    StructureScan is built into the touch units only. You’ll need the module with transducer on the regular Gen2’s.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks–

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